Akai CDP 2400RDS mini system
Predám rádio CD Akai CDP 2400RDS

Podobné inzeráty

Annihilator-"Bag of tricks" 74:55 1994 Roadrunner RR 8997 2 200Kč
Quatermass -"Quatermass" 61:03 1970 Repertoire RR 4044-C 400Kč
Queen -"Sheer heart attack" 41:23 1974 Hollywood HR-61036-2 300Kč
Queen -"News of the world" 39:26 1977 EMI CDP 7 46209 2 250Kč
Queen -"The miracle" 52:21 1989 EMI-Parlophone CDP 7 92357 2 250Kč
Queen -"Innuendo" 53:51 1991 EMI - Parlophone CDP 7 95887 2 250Kč
Queen -"News of the world" 39:26 1977 EMI CDP 7 46209 2 250Kč
Queen -"The miracle" 52:21 1989 EMI-Parlophone CDP 7 92357 2 250Kč
Queen -"A day at the races" 44:25 1976 EMI CDP 7 46208 2 250Kč
Queen + Paul Rodgers -"The cosmos rock" 58,46 2008 Queen Touring Ltd. 50999 2 42294 2 5 200Kč
Queensryche-"The warning"48:36 1984 EMI Manhattan CDP 7 46557 2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Promised land" 48:09 1994 EMI 7243 8 30711 2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Hear in the now frontier" 57:44 1997 EMI 7243 8 56141 2 5 250Kč
Queensryche -"Q2k" 49:29 1999 Atlantic 7567-83255-2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Queensryche"21:32 1983/6 EMI - USA CDP 7 90615 2 250Kč
Quiet Riot-"The Randy Rhoads years" 43:25 1993 Rhino R2 71445 300Kč
Project X -"Blueprint for xcess" 48:51 1996 Escape ESM 006 300Kč
Prong -"Prove you wrong" 45:09 1991 Epic EK 47460 250Kč
Prophet -"Recycled" 38:29 1991 Halycon 9 61234-2 300Kč
Prophet -"Cycle of the moon" 38:23 1988 Atlantic 7 81822-2 300Kč
Psyco Drama -"Bent" 46:14 1997 Massacre MAS CD 0135 300Kč
Psyco Drama -"The illusion" 50:29 1995 Massacre MASS CD 079 300Kč
Psychotic Waltz -"Mosquito" 45:14 1994 Bullet Proof CDVEST 27 350Kč
Psychotic Waltz -"Bleeding" 41:40 1996 Bu

Elegy -"Labyrinth of dreams" 41:57 1992 T & T TT 0005/2 250Kč
Elegy -"Lost" 48:12 1995 T & T TT 0017-2 250Kč
Elegy -"Manifestation of fear" 53:07 1998 T & T TT 0036-2 250Kč
Elegy -"State of mind" 45:42 1997 T & T TT 0030/2 250Kč
Elixir -"Lethal potion" 44:55 1990 Sonic CD 9 900Kč
Eloy -"Colours" 39:46 1980 EMI CDP 538-7 92499 2 400Kč
Eloy -"Destination" 53:38 1992 ACI SPV 084-48082 500Kč
Eloy -"Metromania" 40:35 1984 EMI CDP 538-7 92502 2 350Kč
Eloy -"Performance" 39:22 1983 EMI CDP 538-7 92501 2 400Kč
Eloy -"Planets" 42:11 1981 EMI CDP 538-7 92500 2 350Kč
Eloy -"Ra" 42:30 1988 ACI SPV 85-4802 600Kč
Eloy-"Silent cries and mighty echoes" 43:42 1979 EMI CDP 538-7 92021 2 450Kč
Eloy -"The tides return forever" 47:24 1994 ACI CD 084-48202 500Kč
Eloy -"Time to turn" 42:24 1982 EMI CDP 538-7 48487 2 700Kč
Everon -"Bridge" 55:58 2002 Mascot Records M 7067-2 300Kč
Everon -"Fantasma" 52:00 2000 Mascot Records M 2045-2 350Kč
Everon -"Flesh" 51:34 2002 Mascot Records M 7068-2 350Kč
Every Mother´s Nightmare -"Every mother´s nightmare" 39:35 1990 Arista ARCD-8633 450Kč
Every Mother´s Nightmare -"Wake up screaming" 53:57 1993 Arista 07822-18639-2 300Kč
Evidence One -"Criticize the truth" 45:34 2002 Point Music 4 024 300Kč
Explorers Club -"Raising the mammoth" 59:30 2002 Music For Nations MAX 9046 2 300Kč
Eyefear -"9 elements of inner vision" (CD + DVD)51:38 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0449 400Kč
Eyes -"Freedom in a cage" 49:47 1990 (nic není uvedeno,nikde se mi to nepodařilo dohledat - nabídněte)
Eyes -"The eyes" 46:58 1990 Curb D2-77314 (jiná kapela) 500K
Emerson, Lake and Palmer -"Black moon" 48:57 1992 Victory -2 300Kč
Emerson, Lake and Powell -"Emerson, Lake and Powell" 43:01 1986 Polydor 829 297-2 300Kč
Emerson, Lake and Palmer -"Love beach" 41:02 1978 Castle ESM CD 363 300Kč
Empire -"Trading souls" 44:54 2003 Lion Music LMC 074 450Kč
Energy Orchard -"Energy orchard" 50:31 1990 MCA MCAD-6379 250Kč
Enchant -"Blink of an eye" 54:31 2002 Inside Out Music 6 93723 65082 1 300Kč

Pavlov's Dogs -"Conditioned response" 54:22 1995 PD 0001 (je u toho psáno mega rare, neplést si to s kapelou Pavlov´s Dog) min.500Kč
K2-"Tales of triumph and agony by Don Airey" 45:59 1988 MCA 255 981-2 350Kč
Kamelot -"Dominion" 46:40 1996 Noise N0272-2 350Kč
Kamelot -"Siege perilous" 50:39 1998 Noise N0297-2 300Kč
Kamelot -"Epica" 56:42 2003 Sanctuary Records NO 3779 350Kč
Kansas -"Kansas" 44:54 1974 Kirshner CDKIR 80174 250Kč
Kansas -"Masque" 40:51 1975 Kirshner ZK 33806 250Kč
Kansas -"Song for America" 45:06 1975 Kirshner ZK 33385 300Kč
Kansas -"Leftoverture"43:29 1976 Kirshner ZK 34224 250Kč
Kansas -"Point of known return"44:22 1977 Epic CDEPC 32361 250Kč
Kansas -"Monolith" 41:45 1979 Kirshner ZK 36008 250Kč
Kansas -"Power" 39:31 1986 MCA 254 426-2 200Kč
Kansas -"In the spirit of things" 53:04 1988 MCA MCAD-6254 200Kč
Kansas -"Freaks of nature" 45:21 1995 Intersound 9148 250Kč
Karelia -"Usual tragedy"50:34 2004 Drakkar Records 82876 57826 2 250Kč
Karelia -"Raise" 50:07 2005 Drakkar Records DRAKKAR 079 250Kč
Kate Bush -"Lionheart" 36:58 1978 EMI CDP 7 46065 2 250Kč
Kate Bush -"Kick inside" 43:14 1978 EMI CD-FA 3207 300Kč
Kate Bush-"Never for ever" 37:32 1980 EMI CDP 7 46360 2 250Kč
Kate Bush -"The sensual world" 45:59 1989 EMI CDP 7 93078 2 250Kč
Katmandü -"Katmandü" 52:48 1991 Epic 467323 2 250Kč
Keel-"The final frontier"36:23 1986 MCA MCAD-5727 nabídněte min.600Kč(Disgos 65Eur)
Keel -"Keel"37:55 1987 MCA MCAD-42005 nabídněte min.600Kč(Disgos 20-70Eur)
Ken Hensley-"Prud words on a dusty shelf" 39:12 1973 Repertoire REP 4282-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley-"Eager to please" 39:19 1975 Repertoire REP 4342-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley -"Free spirit" 35:08 1980 RepertoireREP 4343-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley & Visible Faith-"A glimpse of glory (revisited version)"60:48 1999/01 Mystic Records MYS CD 157 400Kč
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band-"Trouble is." 56:36 1997 Revolution 9 24689-2 200Kč
Kenziner-"Timescape" 62:15 1998 Limb Music LMP 9806-004 CD 250Kč
Kenziner-"The prophecies"61:19 1999 Limb Music LMP 9911-014 CD 350Kč
Kickhead-"Kickhead"27:42 1996 Insight
nabídněte, nikde jsem to nenašel min.500
Kik Tracee -"No rules" 60:33 1991 RCA 2189-2-R 300Kč
Kill For Thrills-"Commercial suicide" 20:12 1989 World Of Hurt WCD 1001 400Kč

Girlschool-"Také a bite" 36:40 1988 Enigma - GWR 7 75406-2 300Kč
Glass Tiger-"Diamond sun"46:57 1988 EMI - Manhattan CDP 7 48684 2 300Kč
Glass Tiger-"The thin red line" 42:02 1986 Capitol CDP 7 46313 2 250Kč
Glenn Danzig -"Black aria" 23:48 1992 Plan 9 PL9-CD 11 300Kč
Glenn Frey -"The allnighter 42:47 1984 MCA DMCF 3277 200Kč
Glenn Hughes-"Addiction" 50:33 1996 Steamhammer SPV 085-44412 250Kč
Glenn Hughes -"Play me out / Four on the floor" 80:10 1976 Connoisseur Collection VSOP CD 153 400Kč
Glenn Tipton-"Baptizm of fire" 49:10 1997 Atlantic 7567-82974-2 200Kč
Golden Earring-"Bloody buccaneers"44:06 1994 First Quake FQCD 4482-2 300Kč
Golden Earring -"Face it" 44:00 1994 Columbia 477650 2 300Kč
Golden Earring -"Golden earring" 39:26 1970 Polydor 847 497-2 300Kč
Golden Earring -"Moontan" 39:54 1974 MCA MCAD-31014 300Kč
Golden Earring-"No promises….no debts" 40:39 1979 Polydor 849 630-2 300Kč
Golden Earring -"Switch" 36:12 1975 Polydor 847 160-2 300Kč
Golden Earring -"To the hilt" 44:27 1976 Polydor 847 932-2 300Kč
Goldfrapp -"Seventh three" 41.39 2008 Mute Records CDSTUMM 280 200Kč
Gowan -"Lost Brotherhood" 45:11 1990 Atlantic 7 82117-2 200Kč
Grace Pool -"Grace Pool" 40:07 1988 Reprise 9 25754-2 200Kč
Graham Bonnet-"Here comes the night" 50:37 1991 President PCOM 1114 250Kč
Grand Funk Railroad-"Closer to home" 44:52 1970 Capitol D 108112 250Kč
Grand Funk Railroad-"E pluribus funk" 36:01 1971 Capitol D 100027 250Kč
Grand Funk Railroad-"Grand funk" 48:30 1970 Capitol - Toshiba TOCP-3177 (Japan) 450Kč
Grand Funk Railroad-"On time" 51:56 1989 Capitol CP 21-6037 min.450Kč (Japan,na Disgos 20-50Eur)
Grand Funk Railroad -"Survival" 40:52 1971 Capitol - Toshiba TOCP-3181 min.450Kč(Japan, Disgos 20-65Eur)
Grand Funk Railroad-"We're an American band" 40:19 1973 Cema Special Markets S 21X 57817 250Kč
Anderson,Brufford,Wakeman,Howe -"Anderson, Brufford, Wakeman, Howe" 59:26 1989 Arista ARCD 85-90126 200Kč

• Billie Eilish - When We All Fall Asleep... (CD Digipak, 51) – 5 eur
• Dido - Life for Rent (CD,) - 2 eur
• Peter Gabriel - Growing Up Live (DVD, 50999 6 26828 2 4) - 7 eur
• Fish -A Parley with Angels (CD, Digisleeve, FHC019CD) – 5 eur
• Marillion - marillion. (CD, Racket 12A) – 5 eur
• Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (CD, Harvest CDP 746035 2) - 6 eur
• Supertramp - Indelibly Stamped (CD, 393 129-2) – 5 eur
• Supertramp - Crime of the Century (CD, 493 346-2) – 5 eur
• Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts (CD, 0 2 0) – 5 eur
Rock, Hard Rock:
• BBM Bruce/Baker/Moore - Around the Next Dream, (CD, 72435 83 673 2 4) – 5 eur
• Doors - Doors (CD, 74007-2) – 5 eur
• Lou Reed - Loud Reed (CD, 7) – 4 eur
• Jeff Scott Soto – Lost In The Translation (FR CD 404) – 5 eur
• Van Halen - Van Halen (CD, 9362-47737-2) – 5 eur
• Exorcist - Nightmare Theatre (2CD, HRR 479) - 7 eur
• Mekong Delta - Principle of Soubt (CD, 2150053) – 6 eur
• Ocean of Slumber - The Banished Heart /CD, 19075801992) – 6 eur
• Rage - Execution Guaranteed (N 0073-2) - 9eur
• Rage - Secrets in a Weird World (N 0137-2) - 9eur
• Rage - The Missing Link (N 0217-2) - 9eur
• Rage - Black in Mind + bonus CD debut Avenger (74321 24484 2) - 9eur
• Vesperine - Esperer Sombrer (CD Digipak, APA44CD) – 5 eur
• Lang Lang – Liszt My Piano Hero (CD, 88697891412) – 3 eur
• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Serenate Notturne /CD Digipak, AVSA 9846) – 5 eur
• Georges Bizet - Lovci perál (2CD, Opera, 94434) - 5 eur
DVDs :
• Resident Evil - Zánik (DVD) – 4 eur
• Peter Gabriel - Growing Up Live (DVD, 50999 6 26828 2 4) - 7 eur
Všetko v peknom stave, + poštovné.
!!POZOR NA PODVODNÍKA!! martinraslik15@

Fischer Z-"Going deaf for a living" 35:47 1980 EMI CDP 7 46685 2 500Kč
Flame -"Flame" 59:36 1992 Giant 9 24451-2 350Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Bare trees" 37:17 1972 Reprise 2278-2 250Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Behind the mask"54:28 1990 Warner Bros. 9 26111-2 250Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Fleetwood Mac" 43:00 1975 Reprise 2281-2 300Kč
Fleetwood Mac-"Heroes are hard to find" 39:41 1974 Reprise 2196-2 300Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Kiln house" 34:33 1970 Reprise 6408-2 250Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Mystery to me" 48:13 1973 Reprise 9 25982-2 300Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Penguin" 36:39 1973 Reprise 7599-26178-2 YS 300Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Rumours" 40:05 1977 Warner Bros. 3010-2 400Kč
Fleetwood Mac -"Time" 60:58 1995 Warner Bros. 9 45920-2 300Kč
Flies On Fire -"Flies on fire" 38:54 1989 ATCO 7 91284-2 800Kč
Flies On Fire-"Outside looking inside" 41:18 1991 ATCO 7 91675-2 300Kč
Flotsam and Jetsam -"Cuatro" 51:55 1992 MCA MCAD-10678 250Kč
FM -"Aphrodisiac" 58:42 1992 Music For Nations CDMFN 141 350Kč
FM -"Indiscreet" 40:12 1986 CBS - Portrait 466339 2 300Kč
FM -"Tough it out" 47:17 1989 Epic 465589 2 350Kč
Foghat -"Energized" 40:04 1974 Rhino - Bearswille 8122-70883-2 550Kč
Foghat -"Fool for the city"35:39 1988 Bearsville-Jasrac VDP-28049 700Kč(Japan)
Foghat -"Stone blue" 39:05 1978 Rhino - Bearsville RNCD 70881 500Kč
Fool's Garden -"Dish of the day" 45:53 1995 Intercord INT. 845.263 250Kč
Force of Evil -"1." 47.59 2003 Diamond Records DR 011 300Kč
Forcefield II.-"Let the wild run free" 44:29 1990 President PCOM 1110 500Kč
Forcefield III, -"The talisman"56:01 1988 President PCOM 1095 500Kč
Forcefield IV. -"To oz and back"43:19 1990 Bellaphon 290.07.141 450K
Foreigner-"Agent provocateur" 42:33 1984 Atlantic 7 81999-2 250Kč
Foreigner-"Double vision" 37:57 1978 Atlantic 250 476 250Kč
Foreigner -"Foreigner" 39:29 1984 Atlantic A2 19109 250Kč
Foreigner -"Head games" 40:52 1979 Atlantic R2 78198 3250Kč
Foreigner -"Inside information" 44:44 1987 Atlantic A2 81808 250Kč
Foreigner-"Unusual heat" 51:31 1991 Atlantic - Popron50 120-2 250Kč
Forte -"Division" 47:32 1994 Massacre MASS CD 035 300Kč
Fortress -"Refuge" 44:35 1994 Phenomenal PNR-8828 1500Kč (na disgos 70-80Eur)