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Zakladna doska AAEON PCM-9452
predovšetkým do priemyselnych pocitacov a priemyselnych strojov
cela specifikacia tu
The PCM-9452 supports Intel Core 2 Duo/ Core Duo/ Core Solo/ Celeron M processors offering a wide range of performance, price and power. Memory support for up to 4GB of DDRII 400/533/667 is available through (2) 200 pin SODIMM sockets. Dual Ethernet connectivity is achieved by employing Intel® 82573L 10/100/1000Base-TX Ethernet controllers. To meet demanding expansion requirements the PCM-9452 offers Mini PCI, PCI and PCI-Express[x16]. In addition, the PCM-9452 features six USB ports, 8-bit digital I/O (programmable) and four COM ports. With all of the available I/O connections and bus expansion, the PCM-9452 is an excellent solution for an integrated system.
The display interface of the PCM-9452 supports CRT/LCD, CRT/TV, LCD/TV in simultaneous and dual view configurations. The LCD interface is 18-bit dual channel LVDS. Paired with a dual core CPU, the integrated graphics engine provides exceptional 3D graphic performance. For higher end graphic applications the PCM-9452 offers expandability through the PCI-Express[x16]slot. Whether your application utilizes the integrated graphics or uses an add-on card for more demanding multimedia applications the PCM-9452 is a solid performer.

Zakladna doska AAEON PCM-8120
určená predovšetkým do priemyselnych pocitacov a priemyselnych strojov
cela specifikacia tu
The 5.25” PCM-8120 embedded SBC for industrial computing supports onboard VIA C7/ Eden ULV (V4 Bus) Series Processor offering economical performance, and power. Memory support for up to 1GB of DDRII 400/533/ is available along with dual 10/100Base-TX Ethernet connectivity. Multimedia applications will benefit from the PCM-8120 support of HD 5.1CH Audio plus multi-display support with up to 24-bit Dual-channel LVDS TTL/ LVDS LCD, DVI and CRT. To meet demanding expansion requirements the PCM-8120 SBC offers Mini PCI, PCI and PC/104 and PCMCIA as well as a Type 2 CompactFlash™, two SATA 3.0Gb/s one EIDE, a Floppy Disk Drive and in addition, the PCM-8120 SBC features six USB ports making it an excellent solution for an integrated system at just 203mm x 146mm.

BoosterPlug ladiaci modul vstrekovania paliva - Kawasaki 650 Vulcan S
Zlepšenie vstrekovania paliva na Kawasaki 650 Vulcan S BoosterPlug.
BoosterPlug je najlepšia modifikácia na vyriešenie bežných problémov so vstrekovaním paliva – bez vysokých nákladov a zložitého programovania Power Commanderu.
Modifikácia BoosterPlug nevyžaduje žiadne programovanie ani pokročilú mechanickú prácu a jej inštalácia je jednoduchá a rýchla. Plug and Play.
Skutočné plug and play riešenie, vďaka ktorému bude váš motocykel oveľa lepší:
- Opravte problém s chytľavou odozvou plynu
- Vylepšené zrýchlenie
- Už žiadne problémy s prepätím pri nízkej rýchlosti
- Výkonný voľnobeh a už žiadne zasekávanie
- Zníženie alebo odstránenie spätného vzplanutia výfukových plynov
Táto verzia BoosterPlug pokrýva všetky verzie Kawasaki 650 Vulcan S od roku 2017 do roku 2020.
Z dôvodu nových emisných predpisov už BoosterPlug pre model „2021 a novší“. nie je.

LCD Display MaxiDOT pre Audi A3 A4 A6 VDO LCD VW PASSAT GOLF
Podpora aut:
For Audi A3/S3 8L Series from 1996-2003
For Audi A4/S4/RS4 B5 Series from 1995-2001
For Audi A6/S6/RS6 C5 4B Series from 1997-2004
For Audi Allroad C5 Series from 1999-2005
For Audi RS4 B5 Series from 2000-2001
Volkswagen Passat B5 and B5 facelift (3B & 3BG),
Volkswagen JETTA / BORA,
Volkswagen T4 and T5,
Volkswagen Golf 4,
Volkswagen Polo,
Seat VDO
Cena 50€.
Po dohode moznost vymeny

Predam maly rail + vysokotlaka palivova trubka.
Peugeot, citroen
Land rover Discovery
Range rover sport
2,7Hdi, d, td, tdv6
Názov : Rail, L319 Discovery 3 And 4, EU2, Euro Consolidated Directive 3
OEM : 1387695
engPartNo : 4R8Q 9C066-AE
Názov : Pipe - Fuel - Steel, L319 Discovery 3 And 4
OEM : LR003392
engPartNo : 4R8Q 9F913-AE