CD Axel Rudi Pell
Axel Rudi Pell -"The ballads II."250Kč
Axel Rudi Pell -"The ballads"250Kč
Axel Rudi Pell -"Made in Germany"300Kč

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cena 10,2E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- Německo, Heavy Metal, čtrnáctá řadovka, hrací čas 53:34, originál, výborný zánovní stav.... Napalm Records – NPR 349
1 Days Of Revenge (Intro) 1:58
2 Paid In Blood 3:57
3 Hammer Of The Scots 4:01
4 Highland Farewell 4:07
5 The Clans Will Rise Again 5:01
6 Rebels 4:40
7 Valley Of Tears 4:09
8 Execution 4:45
9 Whom The Gods Love Die Young 6:11
10 Spider 3:19
11 The Piper McLeod 0:49
12 Coming Home 4:22
13 When Rain Turns To Blood 6:14
Chris Boltendahl Vocals
Axel Ritt Guitars
Jens Becker Bass
Stefan Arnold Drums
HP Katzenburg Keyboards