Predám CD ako je popis : ATROCITY (NM/M): 20€ , ROLLINS BAND (M/M ,factory sealed): 50€ , TMK (M/M): 10€ , EXCEL (NM/M): 20€ ,LUDICHRIST (M/M ,factory sealed): 50€ ,FLOODED CHURCH OF ASMODEUS (M/M ,factory sealed): 20€ , SHAPE OF DESPAIR (M/M ,factory sealed):20€ ,KONG (M/M ,factory sealed): 40€ ,JAMES NEWTON HOWARD&FRIENDS (M/M ,factory sealed): 80€ ,TOE TAG (M/M ,factory sealed): 60€ , MEPHITIC CORPSE (M/M , v plastovom obale, nikdy nebol factory sealed NEW NEW !!) : 80€ ,MONARCH (M/M ,factory sealed) :15€ ,Osobný odber NITRA ,KURIER GLS:1CD a viac CD ...7€ poštovné.

Podobné inzeráty

predam vzacnejsie LP platne,vsetko uplne NOVE nehrane
lbt 45e
gustav brom - plays for you pop,jazz and swing 70e
interjazz 4 - stary dobry cirkus 30e
impuls 40e
martin kratochvil & jazz q - hodokvas 30e
v v system - quasar 12e
isly hudci horou 20e ...pouzita
a tam kde stupas rieky pramenia 100e ...ako nova
bemibem - bemowe frazy 40e
csaba deseo - ultraviola 20e PREDANE
jozef skrzek - jozefina 10e
zbigniew namyslowski - 20e
fermata - huascaran 35e
ella fitzgerald & louis armstrong 20e pouzita
czeslaw niemen 1971 - 70e PREDANE
prazsky soubor bicich nastroju 15e
benny goodman 14e
george & beatovens - kolotoc svet 35e
the the - soul mining 40e
cyrano z predmestia 15e
collegium musicum - continuo 25e
homolova & stivin 50e
jiri stivin - status quo vadis 15e
jiri stivin - concertos rv440 10e
jiri stivin - zodiac 18e
kratochvil,ackerman - stara znamost 10e
e.f.burian - pisnicky a songy 15e
stan borys 13e
utociste - 200e
milenci 20e
jon & vangelis - friends of mr cairo 10e
jazz a vazna hudba IV 25e
jazz a vazna hudba III 30e
roberta flack & dony hathaway 15e
the temptations 13e
bratislava jazz days 87 - 45e
bratislava jazz days 86 - 45e
bratislava jazz days 81 - 35e
bix beiderbecke 13e
big bill broonzy - blues 25e
weather report 20e
bob james david sanborn - double vision 25e
olympic - ptak rosomak 25e
emil viklicky - v holomoci meste 25e
c&k vocal - generace 15e
blue effect & jazz Q - coniunctio 100e
jiri stivin - zverokruh 20e
vaclav tyfa - konstelace josefa votruby 15e
dave,dee,dozy,beacky,mick,tich -greatest PREDANE
no to co - PREDANE
sammy davis jr,count basie - our shining hour 20e
benny waters & traditional jazz studio 15e
b & s slide hampton,vaclav zahradnik big band 25e
polsky tradicni jazz - old timers & sandy brown 15e
sbb - sbb 1978 25e
depeche mode - music for the masses PREDANE
ocean - haifa 35e
shalom 25e hrana
ocean - pyramida snu 35e
ocean 2 1/2 ...270e
rapmasters - si upad 50e
hipodrom - prazsky haus 22e PREDANE
fredy ayisi - rapsody in black PREDANE

Aggressive Tyrants - Případy plné ženské krve a mužského spermatu (grindcore)
Embrace Damnation - Glory Of A New Darkness (death-metal)
Final Dawn - Under The Bleeding Sky (melodic death-metal)
F.O.A.D. - Birth Of Extinction (thrash-metal)
Killchain - Where Is Your Saviour (death-metal)
Kristendom - From Within (death-metal)
Krmelec - Hell´s Leaving Your House (parody-metal)
Sator Marte - Engulfed By Firestorm (black-metal)
Shadows Land - Ante Christum (Natum) (black/death-metal)
Truep – 1986 (thrash-metal)
Unholy Inquisition - Shades Of Inferno (black/death-metal)
Verano´s Dog - Summoning The Hounds (grindcore)
Vox Interium - Yearing (thrash/death-metal)
Adversor - The End Of Mankind (thrash-metal)
Engine Driven Cultivators - Insert Coin (thrash-metal)
Grim Force - Circulation To Conclusion (thrash/speed-metal)
URGL - Shit Han (grind)
Voltumna - Dodecapoli (death/black-metal)
Cena: 4€/ks
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

Carcass Torn arteries (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Cavalera Conspiracy Inflikted 7,00 €
Cavalera Conspiracy Pandemonium (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Thornography 6,00 €
Cradle of Filth Thornography 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 9,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Darkly, darkly, venus aversa (supercase,nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Darkly, darkly, venus aversa (supercase,nový) 10,00 €
Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 9,00 €
Cradle of Filth Cryptoriana - The seductiveness of decay (nový) 10,00 €
Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 €
Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 €
Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 €
Death Angel Act III 10,00 €
Death Angel The dreams calls blood (nový) 9,00 €
Death Angel Relentless retribution (nový) 9,00 €
Death Angel Humanicide (nový) 10,00 €
Decapitated Carnival is forever (nový) 10,00 €
Decapitated Winds of creation (nový) 11,00 €
Deicide The stench of redemption (nový) 10,00 €
Deicide To hell with god (nový) 12,00 €
Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 €
Destruction Thrash anthems (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 €
Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 €
Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 €
Devilment The great and secret show (nový) 9,00 €
Devilment The great and secret show (digipak) 10,00 €
Dimmu Borgir For all tid (digipak) 10,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Death cult armageddon 7,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Death cult armageddon (digipak) 8,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 €
Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 €
Dismember Dismember (nový) 15,00 €
Dissection Live legacy 15,00 €
Dragonlord Black wings of destiny (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 €
Enslaved Monumension 12,00 €
Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 €
Enslaved Axioma ethica odini (nový) 10,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 €
Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 €
Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 €
Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 €
Entombed Wolverine blues 10,00 €
Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
kontakt: zaxas@

Aerosmith - Greatest Hits (rock)
Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock)
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore)
Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock)
Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch (rock)
Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock)
Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise)
Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop)
Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock)
Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal)
Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore)
Elton John - The Big Picture (pop)
Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock)
Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock)
Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock)
George Michael - Songs From The Last Century (pop/rock)
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal)
I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock)
Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock)
Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock)
KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal)
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock)
Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock)
Madonna – Music (pop)
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock)
Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock)
Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal)
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock)
Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal)
One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal)
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock)
Rolling Stones - Voodoo Lounge (rock)
Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock)
Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal)
Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal)
Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal)
The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock)
U2 - Rattle And Hum (rock)
Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore)
YES - Classic Yes (rock)
CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks.
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

Predam rozne lp platne jazz a swing.Hodnoteny stav lp nie obalu.Odosielam v kartone,doporucene.
Al Di Meola-Electric randevous,nm,8e
Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucia* – Friday Night In San Francisco,ex,8e
Al Jerraou-Look to the rainbow,ex,10e
ASPM-Poradny blues,vg+,8e
Armstrong Louis-Louis plays W.C.Handy,nm,10e-L
Armstrong Louis-A his all star,bez obalu,g+,5e
Armstrong Louis-Armstrong L.,ex,8e
Armstrong Louis-Greatest hits,ex,25e
Armstrong Louis-Koncert v Praze,vg,5e
Antologie blues 2LP,nm,10e
Adam Makowicz-Unit,nm,18e
Big Bill broonzyBig Bill Bronzy,nm,13e
Benko dixieland band-Benko dixieland band,vg,5e
Benko dixieland band-Side by side,nm,8e
Binge Roland-Letni dšt,vg,5e
Burton Gary- A spol,nm,10e
Baker Josephine/Trio furtations-Golden orfeus 70,nm,8e
Chris barber-in Berlin,1e-horsi stav
Čermak Ota-Es kormendi vilmos orgonal,vg,8e
Chick Corea-Chick Corea,nm,7e
Caddy Allan orchestra-Tribute to E.Humperdinc,vg,3e
Davis Sammy & Count Basie-Our shining hour,ex,5e
Driscoll Julie,Brian Auger & trinity,zlystav,5e
Dasek Rudolf-mezipristani,ex,10e
Dixieland festval Dresden 74,vg+,5e
Fitzgerald Ella-Ella,gr,club,nm,10e
Fitzgerald Ella ,Pass Joe,Take love eazy,nm,10e
Famous jazz singers,vg+,9e
Gillespie dizzy-Klasik moderniho jazzu,nm,7e
Golden gate quartet,ex,2lp,7e
Goodman benny-The king of swing,vg+,10e
Herman Woody-jazz jamboree 77,nm,10e
Isaak Dunajevsky-Melodie,vg+,5e
Jones Selena,M.Charlota-Zlaty orfeus 73,nm,5e
Jonas Gabriel-Impresie,vg+,5e
Jazz panorama 3,ex,5e
Kombi-Krolowie zycia,nm,5e
Koppen Bern-hanekoppen,vg,8e
Kenton Stan-Kenton,S.,ex,7e
Kubanske rytmy,vg+,10e
Knef Hildegard-Knef H.,nm,12e
Krautgartner Karel-Jazz kolem K.Krautgartnera,ex,30e
Last James-nonstop dancing 9,vg,5e
Mulligan Gerry-Felicitas,nm,10e
Montand Yves-Yves,nm,10e
Mauriat Paul and his prchestra,ex,5e
Miller Glenn-Pure gold,nm,7e
Naima-Naima 2,nm,10e
Nice n Easy, 2LP,vg+,5e
Nice n Easy volume 5,2LP,vg+,5e
New Orleans jazz, 2LP,vg+,10e
Niemen-The best of,vg+,8e
Orchestra electrecord-Alexandru Imre,vg+,7e
Ozveny jazzoveho festivalu praha 64,nm,8e
Originalni prazsky synkopicky orchestr-Jazz & Hot dance music,nm,10e
Originalni Prazsky synkopicky orchestr
Pinocchio ensemble 1,nm,3e
Pinocchio ensemble 2,nm,3e

Predam rozne lp platne jazz a swing v super stave..hodnotene su platne nie obaly..V pripade otazky nevahjte napisat mail..Zoznam komplet platni na vyziadanie.
billie and de de-new orleans,ex,10e
sammy davis jr.our shining hour,nm,12e
dorsey tommy-dorsey and his orchestra,vg,5e
farago judy istvan-ezust gitar,nm,8e
faxni-tizedik tortenet,nm,8e
milano jazz gang-milano meets frisco,podpisana,30e
prominente des jazz,nm,6e
pisne otce vod1,nm,5e
pisne otce vod 2,nm,5e
pisne otce vod 3,nm,5e
rich buddy-rich buddy,nm,8e
revival jazz band,vg+,5e
rhoda scott-rhoda scott 1,vg+,7e
smith bessie-smith bessie,vg+,5e
scott tony-bumerang,nm-,7e
sun ship-follow us,nm,15e
scieranski krzysztof-s.krzysztof,nm,15e
slovacek felix-meditations in classics,vg+,5e
sweet and swinging,zly obal,lp vg,5e
sinatra frank-come swing with me,nm,13e
the singers unlimited,nm,5e
the singers unlimited-ctyri z nas,nm,5e
trio misailov-taskensky jazz klub,ex,15e
the earl hines trio-fatha,ex,5e
viklicky emil-v holomouci meste,nm,10e
viliam farkas-ticha serenada,nm,5e
v.v. sytem-quasar,vg,5e
v.v system-syntax,nm,10e
velici jazzovy kytariste,nm+,10e
w sentymentalnym nastroju,nm,5e
williams james a viklicky emil-spolu,nm,8e
wofford mike,scott joplin-interpretations 76,vg,8e
wilson teddy-mr.wilson and mr.gershwin,ex,8e
wheater report-wheater report,vg+,10e
young holt unlimited-just a melody,nm-,8e
zahradnik vaclav a hoste jazzoveho festivalu praha 1970,obal vg,lp nm,25e
jazz celula-ohen az pozar,vg+,75e
velebny karel-nonet shq woodwinds,vg,100e