CHARIZARD GX Pokemon karta gradovana PSA 10 Japonska
Predam gradovanu kartu PSA 10 Pokemon Charizard GX Detective Pikachu, japonska verzia. Doprava v ramci SK je 4 eura.

Podobné inzeráty

V prípade záujmu píšte na email
Predam tieto boostre
Pokemon Base Set 1 Booster - 450€
Pokemon Celebrations (25th Anniversary) Booster - 10€
Pokemon Detective Pikachu Booster - 20€
Pokemon Dragon Majesty Booster - 50€
Pokemon First Partner Pack: Johto USA verzia-(3 Oversize karty + 2 boostre) - 30€ Pokemon Shining Fates Booster (4x) 6€ kus
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Base Set Booster 9€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Guardians Rising - 14€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Ultra Prism Booster - 21€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Forbidden Light Booster - 18€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Unbroken Bonds Booster - 21€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Ultra Prism sampling pack 3 karty (2x) 8€ ks
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Cosmic Elipse 55€ Artset 4x booster. Cena spolu
Pokemon Sun & Moon: forbidden light sampling pack 3 karty 6€
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Battle Styles Booster - 5€
Pokemon Sword & Shield: sword and shield (3x) 9€ kus
Pokemon Sword & Shield:Silver Tempest (2x) 5€ kus
Pokemon Trick or Trade Mini Booster - 6€
Pokemon XY: Base Set Booster - 40€
Pokemon XY: Furious Fists - 40€
Pokemon XY: Primal Clash - 35€
Pokemon XY: Roaring Skies Booster - 30€
Pokemon XY: Ancient Origins Booster - 40€
Pokemon XY: BREAKthrough Booster - 30€
Pokemon XY: Fates Collide Booster - 30€
Pokemon XY: Steam Siege Booster - 16€
Pokemon XY: Evolutions (20th Anniversary) Booster - 28€
Pokemon Go Booster - 6€
Evolving skies (13 ks) 10€ ks
Sword & Shield artset
4x Sword and Shield 34€
4X Darkness Ablaze 25€
4x Evolving Skies 44€
4x Fusion Strike 25€
4x Battle Styles 25€
4x Vivid Voltage 25€
4x Chilling Reign 25€
4x Brilliant Star 25€
4x Shining Fates 28€
4x Lost Origin 25€
4x Astral Radiance 25€
4x Silver Tempest 25€
Ideálne všetko spolu za 1350€
Kazdy jeden booster je v obale
Osobny odber možný v Trnave poprípade Bratislava

Predám karty Pokemon Gold:
Charizard lv. 91 HP 508
Charizard lv. 91 HP 508 Special
Vevosaur Charizard & Blastoise VMax HP 400
Glurak Vmax KP 330
Glurak VMAX Gygadinamax KP 330
Flyesender VMAX KP 330
Coronospa VMAX KP 320
Schlaraffel VMAX KP 320
Lapras VMAX KP 320
Kamalm VMAX KP 320
Celebi VMAX KP 310
Meowth VMAX HP 300
Meowtwo&Mew GX HP 270
Shaymin Vstar KP 250
Zamazenta HP 230
Gardevoir & Sylveon GX HP 260
Stollos KP 230
Mcharizard EX Mega HP 230
Charizard Red Basic HP 220
Charizard black Basic HP 220
Zacian Basic HP 220
Lumineon Basic HP 170
Mewtwo Basic HP 170
Mimigma Basic HP 160
Zwirrfinst Phase 2 HP 150
Intelleon Phase 2 HP 150
Shining Charizard 100 HP
Pikachu Basic HP 90
Cena 1 euro/ karta spolu za všetky cena dohodou, ponúknite!
Píšte mail, sms, alebo volajte!

Dobry den,
Predám zberatelské karty pokémon, ohodnotené spoločnostou AP grading.
Karty sú v stave Mint+(9,5) po EX(excellent 5,5)
Foto č.1
Giratina Vstar Gold - Crown Zenith - GG69/70 = near mint/ mint 8 = 80€
Giratina Vstar Gold - Crown Zenith - GG69/70 = mint 9= 140
Foto č.2
Kindler Rainbow Full Art - mint+ 9,5 = 40€
Thorton Rainbow Full Art - mint+ 9,5 = 50€
Mewtwo Vstar full art (japonská) - Vstar universe - 221/172 = mint+ 9,5 = 90€
Galarian moltres Full art (japonská) - Vstar universe - 190/172 = mint+ 9,5 = 45€
Foto č.3
Skuntank V Full Art - Silver tempest - 181/195
= mint 9 = 60€
Celebi V Full Art - Fusion strike - 245/264 = mint 9 = 90€
Unown V Full Art - Silver Tempest - 177/195
= mint 9 = 70€
Palkia Vstar gold - Astral Radiance - 208/189 = mint 9 = 50€
Foto č.4
Mew full art - crown zenith - GG10/70 = near mint/mint 8,5 = 40€
N’s Resolve Full Art - near mint/ mint 8,5=40€
Lugia Vstar - Silver tempest - 139/195 = mint 9 = 40€
Reshiram & charizard GX - Black star promo - SM247 = near mint/mint 8.5 =70€
Foto č.5
Charizard Vmax - Black star promo UPC - SWSH261 = near mint/mint 8 = 50€
Charizard V full art - black star promo UPC - SHSW260 = near mint 7.5 = 40€
Charizard Vstar - black star promo UPC - SHSW262 = ex/ near mint 6 = 25€
V prípade záujmu o viacero kusov je možná dohoda. Možnost odoslania na dobierku, packeta… Osobny odber Ivanka pri Dunaji/Bratislava

Ponúkam na predaj vzácne ohodnotené karty od PSA a CGC.
Ponúkam na predaj takéto pokémon karty:
1.2000 Pokemon Neo Genesis Heracross Holo 6/111 PSA 8
2.2007 Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Secret Wonders Venusaur Holo 20/132 PSA 8
3.2000 Pokemon CGC 8.5 NM-MT+ Erika's Gloom Gym Heroes 1st Edition 45/132
4.Charizard GX- Black Star Promos (SM211) CGC 8,5 - Hidden Fates Tins 2019
Cena: dohodou
Posielam aj poštou
V prípade záujmu alebo nejakých otázok ma kontaktujte cez E-mail.
Pozri ďalšie moje inzeráty.

Zdravím,pár PSA kariet na predaj.V cene je už aj zasielkovňa a poistenie karty.
Cristiano Ronaldo-# LE1G-PSA 10…………160€
Cristiano Ronaldo-#428-PSA10……………150€
Mohamed Salah-#438-PSA 10……………..110€
Lionel Messi-#397-PSA 9…………………….95€
Gareth Bale-# LE1P-PSA 9(Population 1)..1200€
Cristiano Ronaldo-#17-PSA 9………………85€
Cristiano Ronaldo-# LE14-PSA 9…………..95€
Multyplayer-Barca-# PES1-PSA 8…………60€
Neymar-#429-PSA 8……………………………55€
Messi-#429-PSA 6………………………………30€
Kylian Mbape-#412-PSA 6……………………30€

Mám na predaj pokémon karty rôznych edícii rôzne alt art karty :)
- pre viac fotiek/info najlepšie písať sms ale kludne aj mail
Mew Vmax - 120€
Elesa’s Sparkle - 32€
Rayquaza V - 140€
Espeon V - 100€
Leafeon V - 100€
Noivern V - 50€
Vaporeon V - predané
Celebi V - 47€
Leafeon Vstar - 39€
Palkia V - 54€
Dialga V - 50€
Sneasler V - 45€
Starmie V - predané
Pikachu Vmax - predané
Pikachu V - predané
Mimikyu Vmax - 15€
Mimikyu V - 15€
Serperior V - 17€
Blissey V - 12€
Gyarados ex - 20€
Charizard&Reshiram gx - 16€
Zapdos V - 12€
Zacian V - 17€
Serena - 39€
Caitlin - 30€
Mewtwo V - 29€
Honchkrow V - 18€
Charizard Vstar - predané
Charizard V - predané
Greedent V - 22€
Samurott V - 12€
Charizard Vstar - 95€
Dragonite V - predané
Umbreon V - predané
Leafeon V - 17€
Suicune V - 25€
Vaporeon V - predané
Jolteon V - predané
Gyarados Vmax - 35€
Zapdos V - 25€
Moltres V - 27€
Arceus V - 32€
Inteleon - 16€
Lightning energy - 18€
Pikachu V - predané
Mew V - predané
Dialga Vstar - 28€