Curriculum development in language teaching
Hobby, odborné knihy
výborný stav, cena je bez poštovného,
rok vydania 2010
The paperback edition provides a systematic introduction to the issues involved in developing, managing, and evaluating effective second and foreign language programs and teaching materials. Key stages in the curriculum development process are examined, including situation analysis, needs analysis, goal setting, syllabus design, materials development and adaptation, teaching and teacher support, and evaluation.
rok vydania 2010
The paperback edition provides a systematic introduction to the issues involved in developing, managing, and evaluating effective second and foreign language programs and teaching materials. Key stages in the curriculum development process are examined, including situation analysis, needs analysis, goal setting, syllabus design, materials development and adaptation, teaching and teacher support, and evaluation.
Podobné inzeráty
Predám základnú odbornú literatúru z oblasti neurovied:
Fundamental Neuroscience, Third Edition, 2008, cena 40€
Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 3rd Edition, 2007, cena 30€
Development of the Nervous System, Second Edition, 2006, cena 20€
The Cognitive Neuroscience III, 2004, cena 30€
Neuroscience, Fourth Edition, 2008, cena 40€
Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience 1st Edition, 2007, cena 30€
Všetky knihy su hardcover, takmer nepoužívané, ako nové
Obrazy mysli / Mysl v obrazech - Ladislav Kesner Colleen M. Schmitz kolektív, 2011, cena 50€
Možný osobný odber (Chorvátsky Grob, Čierna Voda alebo Bratislava) alebo zašlem cez Packeta.
Knihy na predaj:
1. Ján Zambor: Tvarovanie básne, tvarovanie zmyslu (5€)
2. Valerij Kupka: Ruská avantgarda (7€)
3. Ján Zambor: Stavebnosť básne (5€)
4. Alena Štulajterová: An introduction to language studies (3€)
5. Silvia Vertanová: Tlmočník ako rečník (7€)
6. Pavel Branko: Úklady jazyka (3,50€)
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