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The Arrow / kopletná séria číslo 1 - 5 / DVD / spolu 25ks DVD
UPOZORNENIE *** DVD sú originál v anglickom jazyku, nemajú DABING!! ***
Všetky DVD sú na foto.
The Arrow - 1 The Complete First Season 5DVD (2013)
The Arrow - 2 The Complete Second Season 5DVD (2014)
The Arrow - 3 The Complete Third Season 5DVD (2015)
The Arrow - 4 The Complete Fourth Season 5DVD (2016)
The Arrow - 5 The Complete Fifth Season 5DVD (2017)
( Dobierka iba po uhrade postovneho vopred na ucet, kvoli nepreberacom )
Volat, alebo sprava cez webovu stranku. SMS nie !!

cena 13,9E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- USA, Heavy/Progressive/Power Metal, znovu vydáno 2016, Remastered, druhé řadové album, hrací čas 45:24, zapečetěno, originál, nové, originálně zabalené, nepoužité, nehrané....High Roller Records – HRR 513 CD
1 Fields Of Valor
2 Shadow Of A Promise
3 Winner / Loser
4 Face To Face
5 Eyes Of The Young
6 One And All
7 Small Price To Pay
8 Dreamscape
Stefan Flores Drums
Harry "The Tyrant" Conklin Vocals
Bill Richardson (R.I.P. 1998) Guitars
Mario Flores Guitars
John Flores Bass

Nové CD v ponuke na predaj !!!
CELESTIAL SEASON - "The Secret Teachings"
Burning World Records © 2020
Návrat do starých čias krásnej melancholie z polovice 90 rokov !!!
For fans album "Solar Lovers"
15,-€ Výborné!

Sonata Arctica Reckoning night (digipak) 8,00 €
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 €
Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 €
Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 8,00 €
Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 7,00 €
Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 8,00 €
Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 8,00 €
Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 7,00 €
Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Soul Cages Craft 7,00 €
Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 €
Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 €
Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 €
Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 €
Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 €
Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 €
Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 €
Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 €
Stone Temple Pilots Purple 7,00 €
Stone Temple Pilots Purple / Core (2CD) 8,00 €
Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 €
Stormwitch Walpurgis night (nový) 12,00 €
Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 €
Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 €
Stormwitch The beauty and the beast (nový) 12,00 €
Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 €
Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 €
Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 €
Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 €
Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 8,00 €
Stranger The bell (nový) 30,00 €
Stratovarius Destiny (2CD,nový) 13,00 €
Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 €
SupaRed (Kiske) SupaRed 9,00 €
System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 €
System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 €
System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 €
System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 €
System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 €
The Poodles Metal will stand tall (digipak) 10,00 €
The Poodles Sweet trade 10,00 €
Thunderstone The burning (2CD) 10,00 €
Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 €
Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 €
To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 €
Tokyo Blade Tokyo Blade 17,00 €
Tokyo Blade Night of the blade 17,00 €
Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 €
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2022 darcek
uplne nove CD zabalene vo folii
1. Zoo Station - Live from The VERTIGO tour, BUENOS AIRES, 2nd March 2006Lyrics
2. Even BETTER than the REAL THING - Live from The POPMART tour, REGGIO EMILIA, 20th September 1997Lyrics
3. ONE - Live from THE JOSHUA TREE 2017 tour, SAO PAULO, 19th October 2017
4. until the END of the WORLD - Live from the i+e tour, BARCELONA, 5th October 2015Lyrics
5. who's gonna RIDE your WILD HORSES - Live from e+i Tour, BELFAST, 28th October 2018Lyrics
6. SO cruel - Live from the ZOOTV tour, MICHIGAN, 9th September 1992Lyrics
7. The FLY - Live from the ZOOTV tour, LONDON, 20th August 1993Lyrics
8. MYSTERIOUS ways - Live from the U2360 tour, CAPE TOWN, 18th February 2011Lyrics
9. TRYIN' to throw your ARMS around the WORLD - Live from the ZOOTV tour, DUBLIN, 28th August 1993Lyrics
10. ULTRA violet (light my WAY) - Live from the U2360 tour, BUENOS AIRES, 2nd April 2011Lyrics
11. ACROBAT - Live from the e+i Tour, MANCHESTER, 19th October 2018Lyrics
12. LOVE IS blindness - Live from the ZOOTV tour, TEXAS, 16th October 1992Lyrics

Predám hudobné CD XMAg TripMag, Wave, Be, Ultramix zo svojej zbierky. CD sú z printových médií, ktoré už neexistujú. Ostala však vynikajúca hudba a skvelé kompilácie. A ak niekomu chýba do zbierky poprípade je nadšenec, pre toho to bude to pravé. Zašlem cez zásielkovňu alebo poštou. Možný osobný odber v Trenčíne.
1 ks a 3€
Sound connection volume II/House mix - the best party tunes
DJ Felipe presents titanium records Et. Supreme entertaiment in the mix
The sound of C23Chtek freetekto by Suburbass
progressive sound of Creamfields - Michael Burian
DJ Tráva mix 04
Progressive Future mixed by Martin Gredner
DJ Ladida - Summer of love mix
Electro YanoshikHappy shitmas - shitkatapult mix from Daniel Meteo
Sónar 2005 - The best electronic festival in the world
technohrushkamix - mixed by Agent
Peep Sound - composed and performed by pilot pirx & bruno ferarri
Take control on exlusive mix by Teebee
Electro future sound - Die neue muzik aus Deutchland
Loutka - old skul
Orbital sessions
Wave on the Wave of music - Michael Storm
Ajlavmjuzik podla seba
Téhacéčko - mixed by centrální mozek lidstva
Be - největsí hity
Future sound of dance world - young talents presented by Aleš Bleha
Ostberlin Sound
Dj Lucca - May Nights
Take Control - mixed by IM CYBER
BerlinBytes - mixed by Ellen Allien
DJ Orbith - electroklash pogressive session 02
Bar Culture - mixed by DJ Cubik
Justin Roberstson - fresh sound from London
Orion Hall - presents DJ Kaisersoze
Deep freezer geezer - mixed by DJ Vectif
Kompakt - compiled by Michael Mayer