Fundamentals of Theoretical English Grammar
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The New International Webster's Pocket Dictionary
- kolekcia vreckových výkladových anglických slovníkov, spolu 8 zväzkov :
1. The new international Webster's pocket dictionary of the english language
2. The new international Webster's pocket spelling dictionary of the english language
3. The new international Webster's pocket thesaurus of the english language
4. The new international Webster's pocket computer dictionary of the english language
5. The new international Webster's pocket business dictionary of the english language
6. The new international Webster's pocket medical & first aid dictionary of the english language
7. The new international Webster's pocket quotation dictionary of the english language
8. The new international Webster's pocket grammar, speech & style dictionary of the english language
1998 edition
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The Cambridge English Course 1 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2312013, ISBN 80-04-26-396-8
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The Cambridge English Course 2 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-70/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25925-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-27879-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-35788-8
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Symbolická cena: 4€/ks
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