GoPro Super Suit
Vodné športy, potápanie
Odskusane ... toptip stav ... ako nove ... original pre GoPro HERO 5 ,6 ,7 ... pozri aj dalsie moje gopro inzeraty

Podobné inzeráty

Dry Suit Boots. Neoprenove topanky SEAC vhodne k suchemu obleku. Uplne nove, nesadla velkost (cca 42).

Podoblek pod suchy oblek na potapanie, ako novy, velkost L, jediny dovod predaja - zla velkost na mna. Je slusne hruby, vhodny aj do chladnejsej vody.
Seemann Subtech 100. Innovative and warmInnovative under suit made of 3 materials, for neoprene and tri-laminate suits.The outer lining is a water repellent, breathable polyester fabric. It gives durability and comfort and easy donning.The inner lining is made of high quality anti peeling double fleece.This material transports wetness away from your skin and provides excellent insulation.The polyester wadding gives additional panels at the left arm and shoulder ensure fast deflation, independent of valve type and position.Easy donning through 2 mm SCS neoprene wrists.The anatomically shaped neoprene ankles are also made of 2 mm neoprene.2 big hip pockets, 1 zipped pocket at the chest, hand loops, durable two-way spiral zipper elasticized waist.

Nerezove stopky/adaptery/Dcka (3e).
Pistalka (2e).
Drziak GoPro /plavak (3e).
Tank Banger / noise maker - na zvukovu signalizaciu pod vodou (7e).
Dvojita karabína so špirálou na uchytenie svietidla, kamery alebo foťáka (12e).
Retraktor na pripnutie potápačského príslušenstva (12e).
Plastova karabína - držiak hadíc (3e).