Immortals Fenyx Rising
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Immortals Fenyx Rising - 21€
FIFA19 - 7€
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Kings Bounty 2
Pokemon Legends Arceus - predane
Wasteland 2 Directors cut
The outer worlds
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Monster Hunter Rise - predane
L.A. Noire - predane
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Dobry den. Ponukam na predaj Xbox 360 + hry. Vsetky hry su dostupne okrem mx vs atv,Dead Rising 2 , Call of duty ghosts
Predám Xbox 360 pôvodne zakúpený okolo roku 2009, spolu s pohybovým senzorom Kinect, bezdrôtovým volantom MadCatz a 33 originálnymi hrami, z ktorých 26 je na CD a 7 je stiahnutých na hard disk cez oficiálny e-shop Xboxu (Xbox Live). Konzola má dva originálne ovládače s nabíjačkami a vymeniteľnými adaptérmi pre tužkové batérie. Hry na CD: GTA 5, GTA 4, Red dead redemption, Assassin’s creed 1, Assassin’s creed 2, Assassin’s creed Brotherhood, Assassin’s creed Revelations, Assassin’s creed 3, Assassin’s creed Black flag, Fifa 10, NHL 12, Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 3, Batman Arkham asylum, Batman Arkham city, Splinter cell Conviction, Splinter cell Black list, Tomb raider, Sleeping dogs, Watch dogs, Dirt 3, Formula 1 2011, Need for speed The run, Need for speed Hot pursuits, Kinect Adventures. Hry na hard disku: Minecraft, Halo 3, Hitman Absolution, Saints row 3, Fable 3, Dead rising 2, Doritos crash course 2.
Predám málo použité xBox 360 Pro edíciu komplet s príslušenstvom (na obrázku) v takmer novom stave. Konzola je flashnutá, prehráva neorigánle hry. Táto verzia firmwaru umožní aj online hranie. Ku konzole dám aj špeciálny DVD-ROM s príslušenstvom na napálenie hier podľa vlastného vkusu. Taktiež dávam 97 hier - 3 originálne hry (Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3, Naruto - The Broken Bond) a tieto napálené hry:
Afro Samurai
Alice - Madness Returns
Army of Two
Assassin´s Creed
Assassin´s Creed 2
Assassin´s Creed 3
Assassin´s Creed 4 - Black Flag
Assassin´s Creed - Brotherhood
Asuras Wrath
Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat
Battlefield: Bad Company
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Bioshock: Infinite
Bioshock: Infinite - The Complete Edition
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
Bound by Flame
Brothers in Arms: Hell´s Highway
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty 5: Word at War
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Crysis 2
Dante´s Infeno
Dead Island
Deus Ex
Devil May Cry - HD Collection
Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls
DmC - Devil May Cry
Dragon Ball Z - Burst Limit
Dragon´s Dogma
Dynasty Warriors 6
Dynasty Warriors 7
Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Eternal Sonata
Fable 3
Fallout - New Vegas
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning Returns
Gears of War
Gears of War: Judgment
Grand Theft Auto V
Halo 3
Halo 3: ODST
Halo 4
Hitman: Absolution
Infinite Undiscovery
Kingdoms of Amalur
Knights Contract
L. A. Noire
Lost Odyssey
Magna Carta 2
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Max Payne 3
Medal of Honor
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Naruto: Ninja Storm 2
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Naruto: The Broken Bond
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden 3
Portal 2
Prototype 2
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Saints Row 2
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
Star Ocean 4 - The Last Hope
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2
Super Street Fighter IV
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Last Remnant
The Witcher 2
Tom Clancy´s: End War
Tomb Raider
Too Human
Unreal Tournament 3
Warhammer: Battle March
X-Com: Enemy Unknown
X-Com: Enemy Within
Predám konzolu PlayStation 2 spolu so všetkými 22 hrami, 2 ovládačmi, pamäťovou kartou, kabelážou a krabicou. Teda komplet balenie.
Prosím, vopred písať SMS alebo e-mail.
Edit: Vďaka nepreberačovi z RS je povinnosť poštovného na účet vopred.
Zoznam hier:
GTA: Vice City
Top Trumps: Dogs & Dinosaurs
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Need for Speed Undercover
Need for Speed ProStreet
Need for Speed Underground 2
The Godfather
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Medal of Honor: European Assault
Medal of Honor Frontline
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Open Season
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Fiyyaah)
Cold Fear
FIFA Football 2005
NASCAR 06: Total Team Control
NHL 09
NHL 08
Crash: Tag Team Racing