Kniha 100 Selected Stories - Henry O.
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Autor: Henry O.
Autor: Henry O.

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Predam Callan method (Callanova metoda) všetky student book (knihy), stage 1 až 12 + CD (MP3). Edícia 2012 / 2013
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Poznamka: ak by ste mali zaujem, mam aj Callan Method Teacher book v PDF verzii
STAGE 1 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
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STAGE 12 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur

Golden, Arthur: Memoirs of a Geisha, 1998 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Ackerman, Diane: A Natural History of the Senses, 2000 (*niektore casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou): 9€
Kinsella, Sophie: Twenties Girl, 2009 (*dobry stav): 9€
Plato: Phaedrus and Letters VII and VIII (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 9€
Schine, Cathleen: The Love Letter, 1998 (*dobry stav): 9€
Truss, Lynn: Eats, Shoots & Leaves, 2007 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Taraborelli, Randy: Madonna (An Intimate Biography), 2001 (*dobry stav): 12€
Coelho, Paulo: The Alchemist, 1995 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 8€
Saint Augustine: Confessions, 1998 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Freud, Sigmund: The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious, 2002 (*niektore casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, dobry stav): 9€
Young, Toby: How to Lose Friends & Alienate People, 2001 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
James, Henry: Daisy Miller, 1986 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Williams, Tennessee: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Other Plays, 1976 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Warner, Brad: Hardcore Zen, 2003 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Homer: The Odyssey, 1991 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Izzo,Kim & Marsh, Ceri: The Fabulous Girl's Guide to Decorum, 2002 (*niektore casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Levi, Primo: If This is a Man + The Truce, 2001 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Sartre, Jean-Paul: Modern Times (Selected Non-Fiction), 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
King, Teri: Aries, 2002 (*niektore casti su farebne podciarknute, inak velmi dobry stav): 8€
Johnson, Rachel: Notting Hell, 2007 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Homer: The Iliad, 1998 (*niektore casti nesu stopy po podciarknuti vyblednutym zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Montesquie: Persian Letters, 1993 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Fest, Joachim: Inside Hitler's Bunker, 2002 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic & Sister, 2004 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Becker, Jurek: Jakob the Liar, 1999 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Krumgold, Joseph: And Now Miguel, 1984 (*ako nova): 12€
Block, Mervin: Writing Broadcast News, 1997 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, inak velmi dobry stav): 14€
Marx, Patricia: The Skinny, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Kalbfeld, Brad: Broadcast News Handbook, 2001 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, dobry stav): 12€
Kushi, Michio: Nine Star Ki, 1991 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry

Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú v dobrom stave, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 3,50 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Ku každej knihe ručne vyrobená záložka. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte.
K dispozicií nasledovné tituly
Thomas Hardy - Jude the Obscure
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
Thomas Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge
Mark Twain - Pudd'nhead Wilson and other Tales
Jack London - The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and other Stories
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Robert Louis Stevenson - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories
A.J. Cronin - The Citadel
stephen Crane - The Red Badge of Courage

Twain, Mark: The Innocents Abroad, 2010 (*nova): 16€
Morand, Paul: The Allure of Chanel, 2008 (*nova): 16€
Gernsheim, Alison: Victorian and Edwardian Fashion, 1981: 16€
Palmer, Alexandra: Dior (A New Look, A New Enterprise 1947 - 1957), 2009: 16€
Givhan, Robin: The Battle of Versailles, 2015 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€
Weber, Caroline: Queen of Fashion, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€
Picardie, Justine: Coco Chanel (The Legend and the Life), 2010 (*zachovala): 6€
De La Haye, Amy: Chanel (The Couturiere at Work), 1995 (*dobry stav): 14€
Napias, Jean-Christophe: The World According to Karl, 2018 (*ako nova): 16€
Mankoff, Bob: How About Never? Is Never Good For You? (My Life in Cartoons. Memoir), 2015 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Technology Cartoons, 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Literary Cartoons, 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Medine, Leandra: Man Repeller (Seeking Love, Finding Overalls), 2013 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Connor,Steven: A Philosophy of Sport, 2011 (*ako nova): 14€
Mechikoff, Robert: A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education, 2005 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Evans, Cadel: Close to Flying, 2010 (*niektore casti su oznacene zvyraznovacom, inak dobry stav): 14€
Evans, Cadel: The Long Road to Paris, 2011(*velmi dobry stav):14€
Woodland, Les: Cycling's 50 Craziest Stories (* par riadkov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 14€
Weiss, Eben: Bike Snob, 2010(*par znaciek perom, ako nova): 14€
Barber, Charles: York Notes on William Shakespeare Henry V, 1992 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Weisberger, Lauren: The Devil Wears Prada, 2003 (*niektore vety su podciarknute perom, dobry stav): 12€
Bryson, Bill: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, 2007 (*niektore vety su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Meyer, Stephenie: Breaking Dawn, 2008 (*par slov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Hartman, Taylor: Color Your Future, 1999 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Hartman, Taylor: The Color Code, 1998 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Staggs, Sam: Born to be Hurt, 2010 (*par podciarknuti zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 12€
Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic & Baby,2007 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Clarke, Stephen (Dial M for Merde), 2008 (*dobry stav): 12€
Truscott, Peter: Putin's Progress, 2004 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, dobry stav): 12€
Binet, Laurent: HhhH, 2013 (*nova): 12€
Marx, Patricia: Him Her Him Again, 2007 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Clarke, Stephen: Talk to the Snail, 2006 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Sachs, Gunter: The Astrology File, 1999 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, velmi dobry stav): 12€

Paperback, raz prečítaný. Vidieť mierne známky na obale. Praktická kniha pre každého, kto hľadá trochu voľného času medzi svojimi každodennými povinnosťami. Kniha je v angličtine. Cena je už aj s poštovým, posielam po zaplatení na účet.
In I Know How She Does It, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers powerful insights from the diaries of successful women. Everyone has an opinion, anecdote, or horror story about women and work. Most believe that a woman who wants a challenging career will have to make huge sacrifices - in family, social life, hobbies or even a decent night's sleep. But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it's made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle? Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to find some hard data. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns: these women worked less and slept more than they thought. They went to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights, and had lunches with friends. They could be spontaneous and make time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning.
With examples from hundreds of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. In I Know How She Does It, she offers specific strategies proven to help you manage your time and build a life that works, one hour at a time.