Kráľovstvo prsteňa (Sword of Xanten)
Predám DVD Kráľovstvo prsteňa v pôvodnej nelicencovanej verzii pod názvom Sword of Xanten. Jazyky: anglický, španielsky. Titulky: anglické, Hindi, portugalské, španielske.

Podobné inzeráty

Accept- Eat the heat
AC/DC Razors edge
Black Sabbath- Attention Black Sabbath
Blondie The Hunter
Blondie best of blondie
Blondie plastic letters
Bon Jovi slippery when wet
Bon Jovi new jersey
Bruce Springsteen- Born in the USA
Bruce Springsteen- Tunnel of love
Cinderella heartbreak station
D.C. Lacroix crack of doom
D.C. Lacroix living by the sword
Deep purple storm bringer
Deep purple who do we think we are?
Deep purple fireball
Deep purple burn
Deep purple Singles A's & B's
Deep purple perfect stranger
Deep purple the house of blue light
Deep purple Made in Europe
Deep purple slaves and masters
Deep Purple- In rock
Def Leppard Hysteria
Dio lock up the wolves
Dire straits on every street
Doors- Light my fire
Doors- Strange days
Doors- Morrison hotel
Doors- Star Collection
Doors Greatest hits
Doors L.A. Woman
Elvis Presley-Pure Gold
Elvis Presley-Promised Land
Eurythmics- Revenge
Guns and Roses- Use your ilusion 2
Jethro Tull too old to rocknroll too young to die
Jethro Tull A
Jethro Tull Stormwatch
Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin- Untitled
Metallica- Garage days revisited
Motorhead- Ace of Spades
Motorhead- Death or Glory
Nazareth- Hair of the dog
Nazareth 2XS
Nazareth malice in wonderland
Nazareth- Cinema
Pink Floyd- Wish you were here
QUEEN- The works
QUEEN- Hot Space
Queen- Greatest hits
Queen- A kind of magic
Rainbow down to Earth
REM- Out of time
Rolling Stones Stone Age
Rolling Stones through the past darkly
Rolling Stones Sticky fingers
Rolling Stones Exile on main street
Rolling Stones Goats head soup
Rolling Stones Steel wheels
Rolling Stones Made in the shade
Rolling Stones Rewind
Rolling Stones Lady Jane
Rolling Stones Play with fire
Rolling Stones All together
Raxy music- Country life
Roxy music- Roxy music
Roxy music- Siren
Scorpions In trance
Scorpions- Love at first sting
Scorpions- Lovedrive
Scorpions Live
Slade Slayed
Slade Rogues gallery
Smokie- Bright Lights and Back Alleys
Smokie- Greatest hits
Status Quo Never too late
Status Quo hello
Status Quo Rock til you drop
Status Quo If you can stand in the heat
Status Quo just supposin
Status Quo rocking all over the world
Supertramp- Famous last words
U2- Joshua Tree
U2- Rattle and hum
Uriah heep innocent victim
Uriah heep very eavy very umble
Uriah heep The magician birthday
Whitesnake- Live
ZZ Top Eliminator

cena 13,5E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- Itálie, Symphonic Rock, Speed/Power Metal, sedmá řadová deska, hrací čas 01:02:33, zapečetěno, originál, nové, orig. zabalené, nepoužité, nehrané....Steamhammer – SPV 97582 CD
Dar-Kunor (3:13)
1.I Echoes From The Elvish Woods
1.II Fear Of The Dungeons
2 Triumph Or Agony 5:02
3 Heart Of The Darklands 4:10
4 Old Age Of Wonders 4:35
5 The Myth Of The Holy Sword 5:03
6 Il Canto Del Vento 3:54
7 Silent Dream 3:50
8 Bloody Red Dungeons 5:11
9 Son Of Pain 4:43
The Mystic Prophecy Of The Demonknight (16:26)
10.I A New Saga Begins
10.II Through The Portals Of Agony
10.III The Black Order
10.IV Nekron's Bloody Rhymes
10.V Escape From Horror
Dark Reign Of Fire (6:27)
11.I Winter Dawn's Theme
Fabio Lione Vocals
Luca Turilli Guitars
Patrice Guers Bass
Alex Holzwarth Drums
Alex Staropoli Keyboards

Rage po 6€ kus, Judas Priest 5€, Lions Pride 8, Iced Earth 8, Gamma Ray 8, Sword(Canada) 8, Killers 6, Chozen Phate (USA) 8, Ozzy, Rhapsody, Grave Digger, Naniesť, AC DC, Pentagram, Fates Warning po 5, Wytchfinde, Liege Lord a Running Wild po 8.

Predám tieto cd. Minimálna objednávka 2KS. Ak kúpiš 3ks 4té zdarma, podľa tvojho výberu zadarmo /podľa ceny to najlacnejšie/. Treba pripočítať poštovné. Dobierka nie. Pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty.
Depressive Reality - Rowling Death 4eur
Depressive Reality - Las Sombras 4eur
Slunovrat - Sword & Iron Cross 5eur PREDANÉ
Solfernus - Hysteria in Coma 8eur
Martyrium Christi - Reward 4eur
Martyrium Christi - We will kill... 4eur
Krabathor - Lies 18eur PREDANÉ
Wyrm - Seved Gates of Apocalypse 6eur
Oblomov - Mighty Cosmic Dances 5eur
Oblomov - Wishing the Renaissance 7eur
Remmirath - Polis Rouge 5eur PREDANÉ
Remmirath - Smrť Pútnikova 5eur PREDANÉ
Ogmias - 3 /limited/ 7eur
Warmacht - Pactum Cum Diabolus 6eur
Sirin - Úsvit Slobody 7eur PREDANÉ
Infer - Cold Being 6eur PREFANÉ
Infer - Anti-Human 6eur PREDANÉ
War For War - Kovy Odjinud 6eur
War For War - War is the Only Way 6eur
Asgard - Kletba Krále Stacha 7eur PREDANÉ
Hypeborean Desire - V kruhu veškerenstva 6eur
Imperium - Preludium 6eur PREDANÉ
Fata Morgana - Spalovač Mrtvol 7eur PREDANÉ
Pátek 13 / Res Nulius split 5eur
Stíny Plamenú - Odpadní galerie 6eur PREDANÉ
Sacrist - Symphonies of Ancient empires 5eur
Moravská Zima - Pod Praporem Vítězství 5eur PREDANÉ
Moravská Zima / Slavigrom split 6eur PREDANÉ
Algor / Korium / Hromovlad split /limited A5 CD/ Heaten Brotherhood 8eur PREDANÉ

S cenou som flexibilny hľavne pri odbere väčšieho množstva kusov. Ideálne pri odbere celku.
Foto 1:
Ace Ventura - zvierací deketiv
Tajomná rieka (Mystic River)
Pán Prsteňov - návrat krála
Kameňák 2
Probuzená Smrt
Anakonda - Honba za krvavou orchideou
ZLODEJI A VYDIERAČI - high heels and low lifes
Zem krvavého slnka - (Into the Sun) - Steven Seagal
Vtedy (tenkrát) v Mexiku
Foto 2:
Koniec Sveta (Schwarzenegger)
Pán prsteňov: Spoločenstvo Prsteňa - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lovec policajtův - Exit Wounds (DMX, Steven Seagal)
Prci, prci, prcičky -American Pie
Charlieho angeli-Charlie’s Angels
Final Fantasy: Esencia života-Final fantasy the spirits within
Gladiator - Gladiator a hero will rise
Bulšit - Not Another Teen Movie
Walt Disney Inšpektor Gadget- Inspector gadget
Doba ľadová -Ice age
Foto 3
bad boys - zlý chlapci
Harry potter -a väzeň z azkabanu
Jet li - kráľ zabijakov
Buď v klude
Vitaj v džungli (The Rock -Dwayne
Torque (Ice Cube)
50 x a stále po prvý raz
Pozri aj dalšie inzeráty. Klik na môj profil, t. j. MENO
ideálny darček na narodeniny, meniny, vianoce, sviatok, sviatky, deň detí…
tags: disney, film, akčný, dobrodružný, komédia, horor, román, romantika, kriminálka, musikal, Triler, Western, vtipné, bláznivé, groteska

Predám vo výbornom stave tieto DVD, BLU-RAY:
Pán prsteňov: Spoločenstvo prsteňa BLU-RAY 7€
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KILL BILL 1.-2. 2xDVD 6€
Lara Croft Tomb Rider DVD, len české tit. 3€
Mortdecai DVD 4€
Bedári muzikál, DVD, len české tit. 3€
Wolverine DVD 4€
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Pomsta mŕtveho muža DVD 4€
The Expendables 3 DVD 4€
James Bond: Skyfall DVD 4€
Útek zo Sibíri DVD 4€
Vtedy na západe DVD 4€
Patriot DVD 3€
Tahle země není pro starý DVD 4€
Hanibal DVD 3€
Cesta DVD 4€
Po prečítaní spaľte DVD 4€
Počiatok S.E. 2xDVD 16€
Akty X: Chcem uveriť DVD 4€ PREDANÉ
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Po zániku zeme DVD 4€
Páty element DVD 4€ PREDANÉ
Fantomas trilógia 3xDVD 9€
Tohle je ráj DVD 3€
Zrkadlá DVD 3€
Ještě žiju s věšákem, plácačkou a čepicí DVD 3€
Operace Dunaj DVD 3€