Zdravie a krása
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Serum, denny krém, nočný krém
Serum, denny krém, nočný krém

Podobné inzeráty

predam nove kremy a vzorky AVENE, vsetky su uplne nove, v zaruke, rakuska kvalita (aktualny je vzdy text inzeratu, z fotiek mam niektore predane):
- kremy - AVENE Hydrance aqua-gel, hydrating aqua cream-gel, 7ml, exp.10/2024, cena 3€
- kremy - AVENE Sonnenspray SPF 30 UVA+UVB, silky mist, water resistant, 150ml, 09/2024, cena 15€
- vzorky AVENE Cleanance cleansing gel, 6x25ml, cena 6€
- vzorky - AVENE Cleanance Micellar water, 6x25ml, cena 6€ - PREDANE !!!
- vzorky AVENE Hydrance legere/light, hydrating emulsion, balenie 10x2ml, exp.11/2024, cena 5€
- vzorky AVENE Hydrance riche/rich, hydrating cream, balenie 10x15ml, min.predaj 3x15ml za 9€
- kremy - AVENE odlicovacie mlieko (lait démaquillant), 200ml, exp.01/2025, cena 10€
- vzorky AVENE Cicalfate+, hydrating skin repairing emulsion, for sensitive dilicate skin, 10x2ml, exp.03/2024, cena 5€
- vzorky AVENE A-Oxitive serum, antioxidant defense serum, for sensitive skin, 10x2ml, exp.11/2024, cena 8€
- vzorky - AVENE A-Oxitive day, smoothing water-cream, for sensitive skin, 10x2ml, exp.02/2025, cena 8€
- vzorky AVENE DermAbsolu comforting night balm, for sensitive skin, 10x2ml, exp.03/2025, cena 8€
- vzorky AVENE DermAbsolu defining day cream, for all sensitive skin, 10x2ml, exp.07/2025, cena 8€
- vzorky AVENE Micellar Lotion for sensitive skin, 6x25ml, exp.04/2025, cena 6€
- vzorky AVENE Cleanance Micellar water, for oily blemish-prone skin, 6x25ml, exp.06/2025, cena 6€
- vzorky AVENE Cleanance Cleansing gel, for oily blemish-prone skin, 6x25ml, exp.06/2025, cena 6€
- vzorky AVENE Tolerance Extremely Gentle Cleanser, face and eyes, for sensitive to reactive skin 6x25ml, exp.05/2025, cena 6€ - PREDANE !!!
- vzorky AVENE soothing radiance mask for sensitive skin, balenie 10x15ml, exp.07/2025, min.predaj 3x15ml za 8€
- vzorky AVENE Tolerance Hydra-10, hydrating cream for dry to very dry sensitive skin, balenie 10x5ml, exp.05/2025, cena 10€ - PREDANE !!!
- AVENE Hydrance rich, hydrating cream, for dry to very dry sensitive skin, 40ml, exp.07/2025, cena 13€ - PREDANE !!!
- AVENE Sun Spray SPF30, waterresistant, for sensitive skin, 150ml, exp.01/2025. cena 16€
- AVENE Sonnenspray SPF 30, UVA+UVB, wasserfest, for sensitive skin, 200ml, exp.09/2024, cena 18€
- AVENE Sonnenspray SPF 50+ UVA+UVB, sensible skin, water resistant, 200ml, 01/2026, cena 20€ - PREDANE !!!
- AVENE Kinder-Sonnenspray, SPF 50+ UVA+UVB, empfindliche Kinderhaut, 200ml, exp.01/2025, cena 22€ - PREDANE !!!
- AVENE Cicalfate+, hydratacna a obnovujuca emulzia pre citlivu pokozku, 15ml, exp.5/25, cena 4€
- AVENE Hydrance Boost, concentrated hydrating serum, 10ml, exp.9/25, cena 5€ - PREDANE !!!
- AVENE Eau Thermale, thermal water, 50ml, cena 2€

1.foto - starostlivosť o telo - telové mlieka, krém na ruky lakte a chodidlá, krém na opaľovanie
2. Foto - make up Flawless (odtieň Light Ivory), make up so sérom (porcelain), fixačný sprej 125ml
3. Foto - starostlivosť o ruky a nohy
krémy na ruky Garnier, Cien, krém na nohy avon, masky na nohy
4. Foto - VLASY
Šampón, olejček, masky na vlasy Avon aj Cien, sprej na ochranu pred teplom, detský šampón
5.foto - vône
Attraction Game 50ml, Scent mix Pure Ocean 30ml, Incandessence 30ml (už prišla poškodená krabička, nie je otvorená), Perceive 30 ml, Far Away 30 ml (odstrieknuté asi 5x), Herstory 10ml,
6. Foto - sprchové gély, gél na intímnu hygienu, antiperspirant deodorant Perceive
7. foto - starostlivosť o pleť- len krémy
denné krémy, nočné krémy, očné krémy, balzam na pery
8.foto - starostlivosť o pleť - okrem krémov
vyživujúci odličovač, tonikum s vit. C, tekutá pleťová starostlivosť, tonikum s ružovou vodou, sérum na krk a dekolt, séra na tvár, maska na tvár
Aktuálne k 30.05.2023...

Ponúkam na predaj rôzne krémy na:
- akné
- čierne bodky
- vrásky
- pigmentové škvrny
- zlepšenie štruktúry pokožky
- jazvy
- rozšírené póry
- Keratosis pilaris (keratóza pilaris)
- melasma
Viac informácií, fotiek, rád a odporúčaní vám poskytnem emailom, neváhajte ma kontaktovať.

predam nove kremy EUCERIN, vsetky su nove, nepouzite, v rakuskej kvalite:
- Medipharma Cosmetics Hyaluron Sonnenpflege Gesich SPF 30, 50ml, exp.po otvoreni 6mes, cena je 8€
- EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler 3xEffect, skin refining serum,30ml, exp.po otvor.6mes, cena 16€
- EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler + 3x Effect Vitamin C Booster, ampulky 8ml, cena 1ks 8€
- EUCERIN Anti-Pigment Dual Serum, 30ml, exp.03/24, cena 20€
- EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler + 3x Effect serum, 6 ampuliek, exp.11/2023, cena 20€
- EUCERIN Sensitive Relief After Sun gel-cream, face and body, 200ml, exp.12mes po otv., cena 9€
- EUCERIN Oil Control Dry Touch, SPF 50+, body sun spray transparent, 200ml, exp.po otvoreni 12 mes, cena 13€
- EUCERIN Sensitive Protect Dry Touch, sun spray transparent, SPF50, 200ml, exp.po otv.12m, cena 13€
- EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler +3xEffect, anti-age, day SPF 15, dry skin, 50ml, exp.12/26, cena 18€
- EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler +3xEffect, anti-age, night, 50ml, exp.1/26, cena 18€
- EUCERIN Urea Repair Plus, 5% urea lotion, 400ml, exp.po otvor.12mes., cena 14 eur

predam nove kremy a vzorky NUXE, nepouzite, v zaruke, rakuska kvalita:
- NUXE Nuxuriance Gold, 15ml, po otv.12mes, cena 5€
- NUXE Prodigieux beautifying scented body lotion, 30ml, cena 3€
- NUXE huile prodigieuse, olej rozne druhy (Classic, Or), olej 10ml, cena 4€
- NUXE Bio Organic sesame seeds & citrus extract radiance detox mask, 15ml, po otv.6mes, cena 3€
- NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Or, 50ml, cena 15€
- NUXE Creme Fraiche de beauté moisturising plumping cream 48h, 12x2ml, exp.6mes/po otv, cena 5€
- NUXE Creme Fraiche de Beaute, 3in1, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Nuxuriance Ultra replenishing rich cream global anti-aging, dry to very dry skin, 12x2ml, exp.6mes/po otv, cena 5€
- NUXE Creme Prodigieuse Boost, multi-correction gel cream, for normal to combination skin, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Merveillance LIFT, firming powdery cream, normal to combination skin, 12x2 ml,exp.6mes/po otv, cena 5€
- NUXE Merveillance LIFT, firming velvet cream, normal to dry skin, 12x2ml, exp.6mes/po otv, cena 5€
- NUXE Aquabella - the purity of fresh nad natural skin - 3 samples, cena 3€
- NUXE Aquabella, micro-exfoliating purifying gel, combination skin-face, 12x4ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Aquabella, beauty revealing essence lotion, combination skin, 12x4ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Aquabella, beauty revealing moisturising emulsion, combination skin, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Reve de thé, toning firming cream, all skin types-body, 12x7ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Reve de Thé Body, toning firming cream, all skin types-body, 12x7ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Huile Prodigieuse (aj Riche), multi purpose dry oil, 12x2ml, exp.6mes/po otv, cena 5€
- NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Neroli, multi purpose dry oil, vegan, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Florale, multi purpose dry oil, vegan, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Sun refreshing after-sun lotion, face and body, 12x7ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Reve de miel, ultra comforting face balm, dry and sensitive skin, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Reve de miel, hand and nail cream,12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Bio Organic Marine Seaweed, skin correcting moisturising fluid, 12x2ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Bio Organic Chia Seeds, essential antioxidant serum, 12x2ml, cena 7€
- NUXE Super Serum (10), the Universal age-defying concentrate, 12x1ml, cena 15€
- NUXE Prodigieux Floral le Parfum, 12x1ml, cena 8€
- NUXE Bio Organic Rice Oil Extract, ultimate night recovery oil, 12x1ml, cena 8€
- NUXE Bio Organic Face and Body Botanical Cleansing Oil, 12x7ml, cena 5€
- NUXE Sun SPF 50, UVA+UVB, tanning sun oil, water resistant, face and body, cena 18€
- set NUXE Sun after sun hair&body shampoo, 100ml spolu s Nuxe Sun refreshing after sun lotion, 100ml, cena 10€ za set
- NUXE Sun refreshing after sun lotion, 200ml, po otv.12m, cena 10€
- NUXE Prodigieux lait parfumé, Beautifying scented body lotion, 200ml, exp.-po otv.12mes.,cena 10€