Large family house with an indoor swimming pool for sale - B
Typ: Rodinný dom
Ulica: Jeséniova
Obec: Bratislava-Nové Mesto
1.Real estate and auction company we present you an exclusive opportunity in the form of a beautiful family house that will captivate you with its elegance and luxurious design. This majestic mansion is located in a prestigious part of Bratislava, in Koliba, in a quiet and peaceful street Jeséniova. Introducing your very own villa that will provide you with the ultimate lifestyle and perfect comfort.
With a usable area of up to 630m2 with a total plot layout of 1455m2, this property will impress even the most discerning buyers. With its architecturally sophisticated interior, which combines floating floors with quality tiles, you will feel like you are in a palace.
Upon entering the house you will be welcomed by the warmth of the central underfloor heating, or you can relax by the fireplace in the living room, completing the pleasant atmosphere. Built-in wardrobes give you plenty of storage space, air conditioning guarantees pleasant climatic conditions, and there are security doors and an alarm system for your safety.
The terraced plot offers a space for rest and relaxation where you can enjoy pleasant days. In addition, you will also find your own private pond, an outdoor fireplace with gazebo, a summer kitchen and a wine cellar, ideal for family gatherings and joint celebrations.
Comfort and relaxation are further ensured by our own oasis of peace - an indoor wellness area with swimming pool, sauna and gym.
This exclusive family home is available on the market at a price of € 1,550,000. Its unique style and luxurious features are suitable for those looking for only the best. If you desire top of the range living and value top quality, don't hesitate to apply for a viewing today.
Don't miss this opportunity to turn your dreams into reality!
YouTube video - virtual tour:
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: úplne prerobený
Úžitková plocha: 630 m2
Plocha pozemku: 1455 m2
Zastavaná plocha: 364 m2
Počet podlaží: 3
Balkón: nie
Počet kúpeľní: 3
El. napätie: 230V
Voda: verejný vodovod
Krb: áno
Kanalizácia: áno
Zateplený objekt: nie
Terasa: áno - 2
Vykurovanie: spoločné
Ulica: Jeséniova
Obec: Bratislava-Nové Mesto
1.Real estate and auction company we present you an exclusive opportunity in the form of a beautiful family house that will captivate you with its elegance and luxurious design. This majestic mansion is located in a prestigious part of Bratislava, in Koliba, in a quiet and peaceful street Jeséniova. Introducing your very own villa that will provide you with the ultimate lifestyle and perfect comfort.
With a usable area of up to 630m2 with a total plot layout of 1455m2, this property will impress even the most discerning buyers. With its architecturally sophisticated interior, which combines floating floors with quality tiles, you will feel like you are in a palace.
Upon entering the house you will be welcomed by the warmth of the central underfloor heating, or you can relax by the fireplace in the living room, completing the pleasant atmosphere. Built-in wardrobes give you plenty of storage space, air conditioning guarantees pleasant climatic conditions, and there are security doors and an alarm system for your safety.
The terraced plot offers a space for rest and relaxation where you can enjoy pleasant days. In addition, you will also find your own private pond, an outdoor fireplace with gazebo, a summer kitchen and a wine cellar, ideal for family gatherings and joint celebrations.
Comfort and relaxation are further ensured by our own oasis of peace - an indoor wellness area with swimming pool, sauna and gym.
This exclusive family home is available on the market at a price of € 1,550,000. Its unique style and luxurious features are suitable for those looking for only the best. If you desire top of the range living and value top quality, don't hesitate to apply for a viewing today.
Don't miss this opportunity to turn your dreams into reality!
YouTube video - virtual tour:
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: úplne prerobený
Úžitková plocha: 630 m2
Plocha pozemku: 1455 m2
Zastavaná plocha: 364 m2
Počet podlaží: 3
Balkón: nie
Počet kúpeľní: 3
El. napätie: 230V
Voda: verejný vodovod
Krb: áno
Kanalizácia: áno
Zateplený objekt: nie
Terasa: áno - 2
Vykurovanie: spoločné

Podobné inzeráty

I am renting out my large 4-room Family house for €1300 a month including energy and internet.
Fully furnished 4 Room Family house with 892 m2 land, in-ground pool, and solar panels located in a small village with good access to Bratislava. Available September. I’m open to a family, professional couples, or a group of responsible people who want to come together and share the house.
The property is in the village of Sekule which is famous for mushroom picking. The village is on the border of Czechia and Austria surrounded by wetlands forests and 3 Large lakes with local fishing clubs.
The village has Schools and Nurseries, Doctors, dentists, Super Markets (Super Spar, Penny Mart, Hoffer, DM, Billa, Albert, Tesco) restaurants, and pubs.
The house consists of the following:
1. Fully Furnished
2. 2 double bedrooms
3. 1 Main bedroom with walk-in wardrobe
4. Open plan kitchen, dining room, and lounge
5. Fireplace
6. Winter garden terrace
7. Large garden with 6x4x1.2 in-ground pool.
8. Large storage Shed.
9. Garden house with Terrace and Kitchen
10. Large Driveway
The train takes 47 Minutes from Kuty (a 5-minute drive or bus away) Or 1 hour from Kuty.
By Car travel time is only 35 minutes to central Bratislava
Please Feel free to contact me on DM or davidjamesanderson88@

Nadštandardný a priestranný rodinný dom v krásnom prostredí Koliby, úžitková plocha 270 m2, k domu patrí veľmi pekná okrasná záhrada. V dome boli použité nadštandardné značkové kvalitne materiály a pôsobí reprezentatívnym dojmom. Dom sa ponúka ako nezariadený bez nábytku.
Dispozíciu domu tvorí:
- prízemie domu tvorí vstupná chodba, veľká spálňa spolu s pracovňou, detská izba, veľká kúpelňa s dvoma umývadlami a WC s bidetom zn. Versace, práčovňa,
- poschodie tvorí veľká priestranná obývacia izba s krbom, jedálenskou časťou a kuchynskou časťou s výstupom na priestranný balkón priamo do záhrady (kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi), druhá veľká kúpelňa s vaňou, sprchovací kútom s parnou saunou, WC,
- ďalšie poschodie domu tvorí ďalšia izba so šatníkom.
V dome je výťah priamo do garáže na diaľkové ovládanie pre 2 autá. K domu patrí aj hosťovský domček na pozemku, ktorý je možné využívať počas celého roka a ktorý sa skladá zo spálne, obývačky spojenej s kuchynskou časťou a kúpelne s WC. Domček má svoju terasu v záhrade.
Dom sa nachádza v absolútne tichej ulici s maximálnym súkromím a s výbornou dostupnosťou do centra alebo do lesoparku na Kolibe, kde je široká možnosť oddychu či športového vyžitia ako turistika a bike.
Cena: 2 500 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR. Dom je voľný od 1.8.2023.
Luxury and spacious family house in the beautiful surroundings of Koliba, usable area 270 m2, the house includes a very nice ornamental garden. In the house, above-standard branded quality materials were used and it has a representative impression. The house is offered unfurnished without furniture.
The layout of the house consists of:
- the ground floor of the house consists of an entrance hall, a large bedroom with an office, a children's room, a large bathroom with two sinks and a toilet with a bidet. Versace, laundry,
- the first floor consists of a large spacious living room with a fireplace, a dining area and a kitchen area with access to a spacious balcony directly into the garden (the kitchen is fully equipped with all appliances),
- a second large bathroom with a bathtub, a shower cabin with a steam sauna, a toilet, - another floor of the house it forms another room with a wardrobe.
The house has a remote-controlled elevator directly to the garage for 2 cars. The house also includes a guest house on the property, which can be used throughout the year and which consists of a bedroom, a living room connected to the kitchen area, and a bathroom with a toilet. The house has its own terrace in the garden.
The house is located in an absolutely quiet street with maximum privacy and excellent accessibility to the center or to the forest park on Koliba, where there is a wide range of recreation and sports activities such as hiking and biking.
Price: €2,500/month + energy €300. The house is available from August 1, 2023.

Predám/vymením poschodový rekonštruovaný, zateplený rodiný dom s balkónom , ktorý bol dokončený okolo roku 1980. Dom má centrálne ústredné kúrenie s kondenzačným plynovým kotlom zn. Junkers. Má dubové parkety, nové na mieru vyrobené nové drevené dvere s presklením , dve kúpeľne s WC a jednou sprchou, 4 izby, kuchyňa, kotolňa, komora, bezpečnostné prvky, dvere, umelecké mreže, balkón, nová moderná kuchynská linka so spotrebičmi- plynový šporák a mikrovlnka. V roku 2021 bola urobená nová zateplená strecha. Vedľa domu je veľká garáž so skladom. Dom má a vlastnú čističku odpadových vôd. Nachádza sa v malebnej obci pri sútoku troch riek Laborec, Uh, Čierna voda, cca 20 km od Michaloviec s pozemkom okolo 30 árov. Pôdorys poschodového domu je cca 10x10 m. Súčasťou rodinného domu je cca 30 árová záhrada a poľnohospodárska pôda. Pozemok je nanovo oplotený s 260 ks vysaných tují na vytvorenie živého plotu, novovysadené ovocné stromy (cca 40 ks). Vzadu na pozemku je Unimo bunka na skladovacie účely, novovybudovaný altánok s el. osvetlením a zásuvkami. Dom je napojený na mestský vodovod a plyn, aj elektrinu. Má aj vlastnú studňa s vodou, včelín sa 22 úľmi. Dom je vhodný na okamžité bývanie pre mladých aj starších ľudí hľadajúcich kľud na vidieku s romantickým nížinným okolím neďaleko riek a lesa, prostredie je vhodné pre rybárčenie a poľovníctvo. Má dobrý prístup do okolitých miest, mesto Michalovce je vzdialené cca 20 km. V obci žijú ľudia slovenskej národnosti a nežijú tam neprispôsobiví občania.
Kontakt pre kupcov: vincent.nagy@
Cena : 220 000 €
I´m selling a two-storey reconstructed, insulated family house, which was completed around 1980. The house has central central heating with a condensing gas boiler. Junkers. It has oak parquet floors, new custom-made wooden doors with glazing, two bathrooms with toilet and one shower, 4 rooms, kitchen, boiler room, pantry, security features, doors, art nets, balcony, new modern kitchen with appliances - gas stove and microwave. In 2021, a new insulated roof was made. Next to the house is a large garage with storage. The house has its own wastewater treatment plant. It is located in a picturesque village at the confluence of three rivers Laborec, Uh, Čierna voda, about 20 km from Michalovce with a plot of about 30 acres. The floor plan of the multi-storey house is about 10x10 m. The family house has about 30 acres of garden and agricultural land. The land is newly fenced with 260 pieces planted to create a hedge, newly planted fruit trees (about 40 pieces). At the back of the plot is a Unimo cell for storage purposes, a newly built gazebo with el. lighting and sockets. The house is connected to the city water and gas, as well as electricity. It also has its own well with water, an apiary with 22 hives. The house is suitable for immediate living for young and old people looking for peace in the countryside with a romantic lowland area near rivers and forests, the environment is suitable

Olimp City :
A premium complex of villas and apartments on the Alanya Coast surrounded by the Taurus mountains and coniferous forests with stunning panoramic sea views.
Kargicak is one of the most eastern
and picturesque districts of Alanya.
The infrastructure of the district is
actively developing and already now
there is everything necessary for life:
supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants,
cafes, polyclinics, schools, farmers
• 38913 m2 - the total area
• 8000 m2 - of infrastructure for comfortable living and pastime
• 40 villas - with the panoramic sea view, swimming pool and garage
• 7 buildings - with 5 floors and the sea views.
~ 2.2 km to the sandy and pebble beach
~ 18 km to the center of Alanya
~ 28 km to Gazipasa Airport
Type of villas : 4+1, 3 floors, 2 terraces
Villas area : 338 m2 - the house, 35-45 m2 - the swimming pool
The land plot : 336-755 m2
Parking lot : 1 garage, space for parking on the villa's area
The uniqueness of the villas : panoramic sea view, the proximity of the pine forest
Finishing (is included in the price) :
-kitchen set with built-in appliances of the Italian brand SMEG:
-2 built-in refrigerators
- microwave
- electric built-in oven
- built-in dishwasher
- touch control induction hob
- extractor hood with carbon filter
All Olimp City Villas and Apartments are being provided with a white box finishing which means you will have a high-quality prepared "CANVAS" for the quick
realization of any ideas.
White Box :
• washable wall surfaces (paint)
• interior and exterior doors
• internal and outdoor lighting
• system and outputs for the air conditioners Mitsubishi
• outputs for the installation of Internet and television
• communications for the radiator heating system installing
• electrical fittings
• accessories for the installation of automatic shutters in villas
• aluminum profiles with double glazing Asas
• floor covering - laminate
• kitchen with Lideadecor built-in furniture
• bathroom with built-in furniture and plumbing
Everything for a life without worries :
• concierge service 24/7
• Wi-Fi and Web cameras on the territory of the complex
• management company services
• car parking service
• transfer to the beach
• business spaces for work and meetings
• the shops
• laundry and atelier service
Everything for kids :
• children's club with educational programs for kids of different ages
• children's pool and water slides
• game spaces and a cinema
• babysitter
Everything for self care :
Bath complex -
• steam rooms
• pools a

Rodinný dom - moderná novostavba v tesnom dosahu lesoparku na Kolibe, tiché a príjemné prostredie s dobrou dostupnosťou do centra, úžitková plocha domu je 300 m2.
Dispozíciu domu tvorí:
- prízemie: garáž na diaľkové ovládanie pre dve autá, samostatná práčovňa s plynovým kotlom, sauna so sprchou, samostatné WC,
- poschodie: vstupná hala so šatníkom, priestranná obývacia izba spojená s jedálňou a kuchyňou a s výstupom na terasu (kuchynská linka je vybavená spotrebičmi), komora, samostatné WC
- 2 poschodie: 3 samostatné spálne, 2 samostatné kúpelne s WC
Dom je nezariadený, slnečný a plne klimatizovaný s alarmom, vonkajšie elektrické žalúzie v celom dome, k dispozícii je záhrada okolo domu, k dispozícii vonkajšie parkovanie pre 2 autá vo dvore. Dom je ideálny pre rodinné bývanie s krásnom prostredí neďaleko oddychovej zóny blízkeho lesoparku.
Cena 2 300 €/mesiac + energie
Family house - modern new construction within close reach of the forest park on Koliba, quiet and pleasant environment with good access to the center, usable area of the house is 300 m2.
The layout of the house consists of:
- ground floor: remote control garage for two cars, separate laundry room with gas boiler, sauna with shower, separate toilet,
- floor: entrance hall with wardrobe, spacious living room connected to the dining room and kitchen and with access to the terrace (the kitchen is equipped with appliances), pantry, separate toilet
- 2nd floor: 3 separate bedrooms, 2 separate bathrooms with WC
The house is unfurnished, sunny and fully air-conditioned with an alarm, external electric blinds throughout the house, there is a garden around the house, available outside parking for 2 cars in the yard. The house is ideal for family living with a beautiful environment near the recreation area of the nearby forest park.
Price € 2,300/month + energy

Prenájom 2 podlažného rodinného domu v tichom prostredí, ktorý je situovaný priamo na Bôriku, dom je 5 izbový, slnečný a poskytuje maximálne súkromie, úžitková plocha 240 m2, k domu patrí záhrada so stromami a kríkmi, garáž pre 1 auto + 1 parkovacie miesto na pozemku vo dvore, dom sa prenajíma nezariadený, vstavané šatníkové skrine sa nachádzajú v spálni a v hale, k dispozícii satelit, na spodnom podlaží vonkajšie rolety, na poschodí vnútorné žalúzie, klimatizácia na poschodí v 2 izbách. Dom je po celkovej rekonštrukcii.
Dispozičné riešenie:
- prízemie tvorí obývacia izba s krbom prepojená s kuchyňou vybavenou spotrebičmi a jedálenskou časťou, priamy východ na terasu do záhrady, samostatná izba, kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- poschodie domu tvoria 3 samostatné izby, hala ,šatník, 2 x kúpelňa s masážnou vaňou a sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- suterén domu tvoria 3 miestnosti využiteľné ako izba, herňa a na pohodlné odkladanie vecí.
Príjemná a tichá lokalita na hradnom kopci uprostred zelene, výborná blízka dostupnosť priamo do centra mesta ako aj na obchvat. Dom je voľný ihneď.
Cena prenájmu: 2 700 €/mesiac + energie.
Renting a 2-storey family house in a quiet area, which is located directly on Bôrik, the house is 5 rooms, sunny and provides maximum privacy, usable area 240 m2, the house includes a garden with trees and bushes, a garage for 1 car + 1 parking space on plot in the yard, the house is rented unfurnished, built-in wardrobes are located in the bedroom and in the hall, satellite is available, external blinds on the lower floor, internal blinds on the upper floor, air conditioning in 2 rooms on the upper floor. The house has been completely renovated.
Layout solution:
- the ground floor consists of a living room with a fireplace connected to a kitchen equipped with appliances and a dining area, a direct exit to the terrace to the garden, a separate room, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.
- the first floor of the house consists of 3 separate rooms, a hall, a wardrobe, 2 bathrooms with a massage bath and a shower and a toilet.
- the basement of the house consists of 3 rooms that can be used as a room, a playroom and for convenient storage.
Pleasant and quiet location on the castle hill in the middle of greenery, excellent close accessibility directly to the city center as well as to the bypass. The house is available inmediately.
Rental price: € 2,700/month + energy.