Monster: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 2
Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Predám mangu Monster Perfect Edition Volume 2 za výhodnú cenu. Táto manga je zbrusu nová, nikdy nepoužitá a nebola poškodená. Bola otvorená iba dvakrát a je vo vynikajúcom stave. Pôvodná cena tejto mangy bola 17 eur, no predávam ju za len 10 eur. Ak máte záujem, som ochotný poskytnúť viac fotografií, aby ste si mohli urobiť lepšiu predstavu o stave a obsahu. Ak máte záujem o tento druh mangy, neváhajte ma kontaktovať.

Podobné inzeráty

Predavam tieto knizky >
Demon Slayer Volume 17 , 18 , 19 a 20. Su po anglicky, zbrusu nove. Otvorene boli len dva krat. Povodna cena bola 10 eur za jednu, predavam za 7 eur jednu.
Monster Perfect Edition Volume 2. Opat po anglicky, taktiez zbrusu nova. Otvorena taktiez len dva krat. Kupena za 20 eur, predavam za 10 eur.
Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 1 , 2 . Volume 1 je po anglicky, Volume 2 je po cesky. Zbrusu nove, neotvorene. Povodna cena bola 10 eur za jednu, predavam 7 eur za jednu.
Ak mate zaujem, nevahajte ma kontaktovat. Ak si zelate, poskytnem vam viac fotiek o stave tychto kniziek.

Predám nasledovné knihy v nemeckom jazyku. Jedná sa prevažne o komiksy a mangu.
Alex Alice – Siegfried (Vol.1, Hardcover)
Alex Alice – Siegfried II: Die Valkyre (Vol.2, Hardcover)
cena: : 15€/ks, 27€/obe časti
- obe časti sú nečítané, v perfektnom stave, zakúpené len na zberateľské účely (First Edition)
manga Psychic Detective Yakumo (Band 1, Band 2) (PREDANÉ)
Wolfgang Herrndorf – Tschick (PREDANÁ)
Uvedené ceny sú bez poštovného (posielam aj cez Zásielkovňu). Osobný odber je možný v Senci alebo v Bratislave. V prípade akýchkoľvek dotazov ma neváhajte kontaktovať e-mailom. :)

Predám Anglické učebnice:
New First Certificate Student's Book - Populární kurz pro přípravu na zkoušku Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE). Rozšiřuje a upevňuje slovní zásobu, posiluje znalosti mluvnice a rozšiřuje jazykové dovednosti- 10 €
Working in English Student's Book – 10 €
New Headway Intermediate, Workbook with key, The Third Edition- 5 €
New Inside Out - Pre-intermediate, Student's Book + 1x CD - 7 €
New Inside Out - Pre-intermediate, Workbook with key + 1x CD - 7 €
New Headway Pre-Intermediate, Student's Book, The Third Edition + 2x CD- 5 €
New Headway Upper- Intermediate, Workbook with key, The Third Edition- 5€
Real Life - Pre-intermediate - Student's Book, učebnica – 8 €
Real Life - Pre-Intermediate - Pracovný zošit – 7 €
Gateway B1 - Student's Book -10 €
New English File, Pre-Intermediate Workbook, rok vydania 2005 – 4 €
In Company, Intermediate, Mark Powell – 10 €
New Headway Elementary, Student's Book, The Third Edition + 1x CD- 7 €
New Headway Pre-Intermediate workbook with key, New Headway English Course Pre-Intermediate workbook with key, New Headway English Course Elementary workbook with key.
Pozrite aj iné moje inzeráty kníh a učebníc.
Osobný odber Bratislava - Dúbravka, Nitra, Hlohovec, Kľačany.
Poštou pri platbe vopred na účet.

Predám trojdielnu sériu v anglickom jazyku od Simone Elkeles: Perfect Chemistry, Rules of Attraction, Chain Reaction. Knihy sú dovezené zo zahraničia. Nové, nečítané.
Cena spolu 16€ + pošta
Ponuka platná do zmazania.
kontakt - email.

Nobody´s Perfect by Ellen Flanagan Burns. Sally sa snaží robiť všetko dokonale. Tajne sa bojí, že urobí niečo zlé a nebude prijatá. Jej učiteľ a mama jej pomáhajú pochopiť, že robiť to najlepšie a dosiahnuť to je lepšie, ako sa báť byť dokonalá. Pretože koniec koncov, nikto nie je dokonalý. Mäkká väzba, 48 strán. Skoro ako nová.

The Ultimate Cigar Book is a classic on the subject, covering everything from how cigars are made, to storage, etiquette, and accessories.
Richard Carleton Hacker’s category bestselling is often credited with helping to create a new generation of cigar aficionados. No other book contains as much detailed and factual information on virtually every facet of cigar making and cigar smoking. And now this trendsetting has been revised in this fourth edition for the aficionado of the future!
Forget 1492. This book starts out in B. C. (Before Columbus) and transports the cigar enthusiast on a fun and fact-filled adventure into virtually every realm of today’s popular and growing cigar smoking pastime. Written by one of the most knowledgeable and internationally-celebrated pipe and cigar authors of our time, Richard Carleton Hacker’s well-known wit and wisdom will keep the reader enthralled with every turn of the page, as he takes you on an information-packed would tour of cigars.
Starting off with a history of cigar smoking, the author then shows us how cigars are made today (handmade, handrolled, and machine made), divulges the secrets of finding the “perfect” cigar, and discusses the ritual of smoking and how to properly care for and store our cigars. From there the book lists a number of innovative cigar accessories, suggests which beers, wines, whiskeys, brandies, and cognacs go with what cigars, enlightens us with a chapter on cigar smoking celebrities, and concludes with the world’s first International Compendium of virtually every cigar brand known today, complete with histories and observations on taste, according to the author’s HPH (Highly Prejudiced Hacker-Scale) ratings. If that was not enough, there is even a dictionary of CigarSpeak!
The Ultimate Cigar Book is the most comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date book for the cigar smoker or for those who just want to learn more about the fascinating and popular world of cigar smoking.