Predám zadný blatník,nové sedadlo Lycett,zadný bubon,riadidlá a držiaky…cenu skúste ponúknuť.

Podobné inzeráty

Predám diely k motoru na NORTON ES2.
Hlava vahadiel prázdna = 99 €
Olejové čerpadlo s náhonovým kolečkom = 95 €
Krycie rúrky zdvihátiek = 50 €
Hlava vahadiel s vahadlami = 150 €

Predám potvrdenie o vyradení na motocykel
Norton ES 2. Cena dohodou. Prvé foto ilustračné kvôli predstave.

Predám v rozobratom stave Norton ES-2 dlho nejazdený. Nie je v originálnom stave , blatníky , sedadlo upravené, aj výfuk .Motor bol po výbruse válca a nalisované nové ojničné ložisko.Prípadne na jednotlivé diely. Dohodou. Foto je ilustračné.

The model name Big4 was used from 1909 to 1955 and comes from the designation "4PS" and the then valid tax class that it received in its early years.
The 82x120mm long stroke engine was very reliable and had plenty of basic power at the time and was therefore also designed as a strong and reliable sidecar machine. This Norton also has the sidecar connections and would certainly be a one-off story with a sidecar to match the year.
The very early history of this interesting Big 4 is not known.
This very early M1 has a Bosch magneto, a slightly newer Amal carburettor and an acetylene lighting set
The bike is in excellent conditions.

vymenim za ,Nsu,Dkw,Bmw,Ariel,Bsa,Norton,Triumph,Tornax,Ardie….plus/minus doplatok..
250 353,kyvacka,rok 1955(otvorene sanie,ampermeter,rybyny..)
vela novych veci
TP a spz
cena pri predaji 3800e,mozna vymena za auto(veteran)