Predám CD Eric Burdon, Paula Abdul, Chicago, Bruce Springste
Predám originálne CD Eric Burdon House of the Rising Sun z roku 1999, Paula Abdul Forever Your Girl z roku 1988, Chicago 17 z roku 1983 a Bruce Springsteen The Boss Keeps Rocking nahrávka z roku 1978, cena 4 EUR. Aj jednotlivo a pošlem aj poštou, príp. na dobierku.

Podobné inzeráty

Predám rôzne CD, každé po 3 EUR.
K poštovnému pripočítavame balné 1 EUR. Odosielame cez slovenskú poštu alebo zásielkovňu. Na SMS neodpovedám.
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1989 Milouš Jakeš Jako kůl v plotě | Projev na Červeném Hrádku
Alexandrovci - Praha - Smetanova síň 12.6.1946 | Alexandrovci
Alexandrovci - The Alexandrov song and dance ensemble in Prague | Alexandrovci - Praha - Smetanova síň 12.6.1946
Soudruzi, když se tak zamyslíme... Aneb rudí baviči |
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To nejlepší 1950 - 1955 |
Chtěl bych mít kapelu | Karel Vlach
50 důvodů proč mít rád 50. léta (3 CD) | (9 EUR)
Great Masterworks - viaceré CD ako na obrázku, v niektorých obaloch sú 2 CD, pravdepodobne poprehadzované | viacerí, každé CD po 3 EUR

Buckcherry Black butterfly 8,00 €
Coldplay X&Y 4,00 €
Coldplay A rush of blood to the head 6,00 €
Coldplay Viva la vida or death and all his friends 4,00 €
Coldplay Viva la vida or death and all his friends (digi) 4,00 €
Coldplay Mylo xyloto 4,00 €
Coldplay Ghost stories 6,00 €
Coverdale - Page Coverdale - Page (japan) 8,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Damn Yankees Damn Yankees 8,00 €
Damn Yankees Don't tread 8,00 €
David Gilmour On an island (digibook) 7,00 €
David Gilmour Rattle that lock (digibook) 7,00 €
David Wilcox Underneath 2,00 €
Deep Purple In rock - Anniversary edition 8,00 €
Deep Purple Fireball 7,00 €
Deep Purple Machine head 9,00 €
Deep Purple Made in Japan 7,00 €
Deep Purple Nobody's perfect 5,00 €
Deep Purple Come hell or high water 5,00 €
Deep Purple Infinite 6,00 €
Dire Straits Brothers in arms 7,00 €
Dire Straits On every street 6,00 €
Dreadful Shadows Beyond the maze (2CD,nový) 4,00 €
Elán 3000 10,00 €
Eric Clapton Journeyman 5,00 €
Eric Clapton Unplugged 5,00 €
Eric Clapton From the cradle 5,00 €
Eric Clapton Pilgrim 5,00 €
Eric Clapton Reptile 5,00 €
Eric Clapton Back home 5,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Evanescence The open door (digipak) 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Echoes, silence, patience & grace 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foo Fighters Wasting light 7,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner 4 6,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 6,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Foreigner Unusual heat 7,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 15,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Axel Rudi Pell Wild obsession 9,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Nasty reputation 12,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Eternal prisoner 12,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Between the walls 13,00 €
Babylon Whores King fear (digipak) 4,00 €
Black 'N Blue Hell yeah! (Irond) 8,00 €
Black Light Discipline Against each other (nový) 4,00 €
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath (RM) 10,00 €
Black Sabbath Paranoid (RM) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath Master of reality (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Vol.4 (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Never say die! (Karussell 550 131-2 1993) 10,00 €
Black Sabbath Sabotage (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Technical ecstasy (RM) 12,00 €
Black Sabbath Live evil 6,00 €
Black Sabbath Seventh star ( 20,00 €
Black Sabbath Dehumanizer (nový) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blaze Silicon messiah 8,00 €
Blind Guardian Follow the blind 8,00 €
Blind Guardian Somewhere far beyond 8,00 €
Blind Guardian A night at the opera 8,00 €
Body Count Born dead 4,00 €
Bonfire Knock out 8,00 €
Bonfire Fuel to the flames 8,00 €
Bonfire Strike ten 8,00 €
Bonfire Branded 8,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Accident of birth 8,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Skunkworks 8,00 €
Bruce Dickinson The chemical wedding (nový) 9,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Tyranny of souls 8,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine The poison 4,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Temper temper (deluxe edition) 8,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Venom (deluxe edition, 3D cover) 10,00 €
Bullet For My Valentine Gravity (digipak) 8,00 €
Cinderella Night songs (nový) 8,00 €
Cinderella Long cold winter (nový) 8,00 €
Clawfinger Deaf dumb blind 6,00 €
Clawfinger Clawfinger 6,00 €
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber 7,00 €
Communic Conspiracy in mind/Waves of visual decay (2CD,nový) 7,00 €
Creed My own prison 6,00 €
Creed Weathered 6,00 €
Crossfire Second attack (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Cydonia Cydonia 7,00 €
David Lee Roth A little ain't enough 5,00 €
Deathstars Synthetic generation 8,00 €
Deathstars Termination bliss 8,00 €
Deathstars Night electric night 8,00 €
Deathstars The perfect cult (digi,nový) 9,00 €
Dee Snider Never let the batards wear you down 15,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Predam japonske LP vo vybornych stavoch:
- stav platne a obalu poslem
Al Jarreau Jarreau P-11321, 23801-1 1983 Japan release - with OBI
America Holiday P-8472W 1974 Japan release - no OBI
America America P-10127W 1976 Japan release - no OBI
America Hat Trick P-6420W 1980 Japan release - with OBI
Andy Summers XYZ P-13539 1987 Japan release - with OBI
Andy Summers, Robert Fripp Bewitched AMP-28106 1984 Japan release - no OBI
Asia Aurora 15AP 3155 1986 Japan release - no OBI
Asia Astra 28AP 3120 1985 Japan release - with OBI
B.B. King Live In Japan YZ-8041-AB 1978 Japan release - with OBI
Bee Gees Odessa MP-9305/06 1969 Japan release - no OBI
Bernard Peiffer Bernard Peiffer Plays Cole Porter's Can-Can 20EL5047 Japan release - with OBI
Billy Cobham Total Eclipse P-8539A 1974 Japan release - no OBI
Bruce Springsteen The River 40AP 1960-1 1980 Japan release - No OBI
Bruce Springsteen Nebraska 25AP 2440 1987 Japan release - no OBI
Bruce Springsteen Born To Run 25AP 1274 1978 Japan release - with OBI
Bruford One Of A Kind MPF 1233 1979 Japan release - no OBI
Camel Mirage GP-1089 1978 Japan release - no OBI
Carole King Tapestry AML-96 1971 Japan release - with OBI
Chick Corea And Return To Forever Light As A Feather MP 2304 1973 Japan release - no OBI
Chris Squire Fish Out Of Water P-10068A 1975 Japan release - no OBI
Connie Boswell And The Original Memphis Five Connee Boswell And The Original Memphis Five In Hi-Fi RJL-2628(M) 1983 Japan release - with OBI
Crosby & Nash Whistling Down The Wire MPF1016 1976 Japan release - with OBI
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young So Far P-10339A 1977 Japan release - with OBI
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Deja Vu P-10123A 1976 Japan release with OBI
Dan Hill Longer Fuse GP 552 1978 Japan release - with OBI
Def Leppard High 'N' Dry 25PP-24 1981 Japan release with OBI
Donald Fagen The Nightfly P-11264 1982 Japan release - no OBI
Eric Clapton 461 Ocean Boulevard 23MW0009 1981 Japan release - with OBI
Fleetwood Mac Tusk P-5571~2W 1979 Japan release - with OBI
Focus Moving Waves MP-2311 1973 Japan release - no OBI
Gato Barbieri Euphoria AMP-6063 1979 Japan release - with OBI
Gato Barbieri Under Fire SR-3160 1973 Japan release -with OBI - Signed - Newport Jazz Festival 1997
Gentle Giant Gentle Giant BT-5192 1978 Japan release with OBI
George Benson The George Benson Collection P-5599/5600W 1981 Japan release - No OBI
Greg Lake Greg Lake WWS-81445 1981 Japan release - with OBI
Heart Bad Animals ECS-91222 1987 Japan release - no OBI
Heart Bebe Le Strange 25·3P-190 1980 Japan release - no OBI
Heart Dreamboat Annie EMS-80946 1977 Japan release - no OBI

Dire Straits: Brothers in arms 6€
Mark Knopfler Dire Straits: 6€
Tom Waits: Closing time 5€
Eric Clapton: Chronicles 6€
Eric Clapton: Timepieces 6€
Lionel Richie: Back to front 4€
Robbie Williams: Swing when You're winning 5€
Kelis: Kaleidoscope 4€
Grease (Pomáda) - soundtrack (nová,nerozbalená) 7€
Johnny Cash: Ring of fire,the legend of 6€
Space: Spiders 5€
REM: Reveal 6€
Bon Jovi: Keep the faith 6€
Bon Jovi: Slippery when wet 6€
Bon Jovi: Crossroad 6€
Fleetwood Mac: Rumours 5€
Fleetwood Mac: Greatest hits 5€
Van Halen: the Best of both worlds 7€
A-ha:the Hits of 6€
Bruce Springsteen: Rising 5€
Bruce Springsteen: Magic 5€
Bob Dylan: the Esdencial 2xCD 5€
Garou: Seul+bonus Celine Dion 6€
Simply Red: Stars 5€
Pretenders: the Singles 5€
Kings of Leon: Come around sundown [nova,neotvorena] 6€
Dirty Dancing - Soundtrack 5€
Dirty Dancing - Live 5€
Instant Karma - Save Darfur (2xCD) 7€
Cramberries: Wake up and smell the coffee 5€
Waterboys: the Best of 81-90 5€
Basement Jaxx: the Singles.special edition 5€
Santana: 3xCD set 8€
Santana: Moonflower 2xCD 6€
Santana: Gold 5€
Santana: Caravanserai 5€
Santana: Supernatural 5€
Trivium: the Crusade 6€
Trivium: Shogun(special edition) 9€
Black Stone Cherry 7€
Sepultura: the Best of 6€
Jethro Tull: Trough the years 3€
Henryk Górecki: symphony no.3 5€
Garth Brooks: Blane it all on my roots 2xDVD 5€
Phil Collins (the Mail) 4€
Genesis (the Mail) 4€
UB 40: Twentyfourseven (the Mail) 4€
Slade: Live (the Mail) 4€
Prince: Earth 4€
Mike Oldfield: Tubular bells (the Mail) 4€
Simply Red: Live in Cuba (the Mail)2xCD 4€
Art Garfunkel: the best of (Irl.Sunday) 2xCD 4€
Irish singers and songwriters 3€
Rod Stewart: Tonight's night 3€
Rod Stewart: the Best of 3€
Bananarama: the Best of 3€
CD sú v dobrom až vynikajúcom stave.
Možnosť osobneho odberu,aj v Rk,Dk,Mt...aj zaslať po prevode na ucet, alebo dobierku...viac info aj kontakt mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...

predam rozne zahranicne single v super stave.cena za celok 200e,jednotlivo dohoda..prevazne 3e
16 bit-gadda da vida
abba-dancing queen/fernando
anna rusticano-strano/basta
afric simon-boogie baby/maria madalena
ana pop corondan-mai badita de sub codru
amii stewart-light my fire/heaven 5e
auguszt gabor/rojkovic zsuzsa-megy a bario/ferfi kell 5e
atrox-silence the echoes
breitner janosz/kovacs erzi
brotherhood of man-save your kisses for me..
buck owens-ruby/heartbreak mountain
billy ocean-therell be sad songs
billy oceanget outta my dreams
beat album-beatles haley hollies bee gees 10e
beatles-beatles,2sp 8e
bronski beat-i gave you everything
blondie-heart of glass
bobby brown-roni,limited,8e
bumm!-szerelmi leckek 5e
boros lajos-sakalok
bette davis eyes
bruce ruffin-one big happy family
bruce ruffin-piesne mieru
bilgeri-sayonara boy
bill haley-rock around the clock 5e
bellamy brothers-memorabilia
bryan adams
chicago-saturday in the park
colonel abrams
czerwono czarni
carl douglas
chris andrews
camillo felgen
demjan ferenc
danis lyne
dean reed
derek john tilley
vsetko ostatne dohodou na cene nebudem pisat lebo to je na hodiny..