Predám solárnu nabíjačku na PSP Little and slim
Herné zariadenia
Predám solárnu nabíjačku na PSP Little and slim. nabíjačka slúži aj ako prenosne a ochranné puzdro. Nabíjačka velmi dlho nebola pouzivan tak je potrebne v nej vymenit nabijacie članky, 10 € + 4,50€ poštovné spolu 14,50€ .Možnosť osobného odberu Ke. inzerát platí až do zmazania

Podobné inzeráty

Predám psp . Psp je flashnute + jedna originál hra transformers,kábel na nabíjanie ,obal . Redukcia na dve karty . Na jednej je flash na druhej 16gb hry . Je tam asi 15 hier . Hry sa dajú sťahovať s netu .

Predam toto EEGecko.(Elektro EncefaloGram)
Ja som uz svoj vyskum dokoncil (rozumej, mal som to dvakrat na hlave...)
Kompletne balenie, vsetko funkcne. Pady ok, roztok je ktomu tiez.
Protny kontakt a mozne otazky najprv cez formular poprosim. Cislo je vymyslene.
Predam osobne v Bratislave, alebo aj na dobierku.
EPOC X has been designed with the following improvements:
Rotating headband that can be positioned on top or at the rear of the head — ideal for sleep studies or accommodating a head support.
Electroplated electrodes to reduce oxidation and sustainably designed sensors — no more sensor clip breakages.
Opening at the rear of each sensor allows for easy rehydration without moving the headset.
Adjusted and relocated amplifiers to reduce noise and improve signal quality.
Updated antenna and radio for improved headset performance.
Shipped in a protective and reusable travel case.
Unboxing EMOTIV EPOC X Brainwear® - 14-channel mobile EEG headset
Emotive PRO (SW Brain Waves Showcase)

Controller grips - for PS5, includes 2 sets, includes case and installation tool.
They increase the surface area and grip, which guarantees greater control and greater comfort while playing.
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