Prenajmem parking v III. Veziach
Prenajmem velky parking v komplexe 3 Veze. Jedna sa o miesto v 3.vezi na 4nadzemnom podlazi a blizko vytahov.

Podobné inzeráty

I offer a garage parking lot, size approx. 2.4m x 5.5m for a long-term rent.
Price includes all energy cost and fees, payment in advance:
for 12 months - 600e (50e a month)
for 6 months - 360e (60e a month)
for 3 months - 210e (70e a month)
Security collateral (refundable for the keys / remote control) is 100e.
If you are interested, please write me an e-mail and state your desirable location and nr. of parking lots.
Possible locations in BA are: Dubravka (from 50e), Petrzalka (from 66e), Zahorska Bystrica (from 65e)
You will recieve an official invoice for the parking rent (tax deductible), the company is not a VAT payer.
Parking is also available for motorcycles, 1/2 size of the regular parking lot (1,2 x 5,5 metres, so enough for 2 bikes in a row) for a discounted price.

I offer a garage parking lot, size approx. 2.4m x 5.5m for a long-term rent.
Price includes all energy cost and fees, payment in advance:
for 12 months - 590e (49e a month)
for 6 months - 330e (55e a month)
for 3 months - 180e (60e a month)
Security collateral (refundable for the keys / remote control) is 100e.
If you are interested, please write me an e-mail and state your desirable location and nr. of parking lots.
You will recieve an official invoice for the parking rent (tax deductible), the company is not a VAT payer.
Parking is also available for motorcycles, size 1,3m x 2,4m for a discounted price.

Prenajmem vonkajšie parkovacie státie s rozlohou 13m2 na Kadnárovej ul. v bytovom komplexe Zlaté krídlo Rača na súkromnom pozemku, 40€/mes. Voľné ihneď. Outside parking - 13m2 on Kadnárova street/apartment complex Zlaté krídlo Rača on private land,40€/month.Available immediately.

Dám do prenájmu starsiu samostatnú murovanu garaž- a vyhradene parkovacie miesta v Žiline
nedaleko BILLY . Priestory garaže su vybavene elektrinou 230V a predmetná garáž je umiestnena v oplotenom areáli bytoveho domu. Bezpecne miesto ,dobre parkovanie a 24 hodinovy pristup.
Vyhradene parkovacie miesta su v oplotenom areáli polyfuncneho objektu.
Bezpecne miesto ,dobre parkovanie a 24 hodinovy pristup.
Garaž bude k dispozicii od 01.05.2023
Parkovacie miesta sú volne ihned
Cena :
garaž 200 €/ 3 kal. mesiace /800 € ročne
Parking-vyhradene parking miesto 42-100 €/1 kal. mesiac podla dlzky prenajmu a velkosti automobilu ...
INFO tel : 0903 81 00 66
e-mail kopas.jozef@

Hľadám majstra (možno začiatočníka), ktorý dokáže efektívne a lacno odstrániť koróziu na spodnej časti Citroenu Jumper 1997. Alebo si prenajmem vysokú garáž s jamou, aby som si to urobil sám. Píšte SMS na číslo