Herné konzoly
Dobrý deň, predávam hru s názvom DOOM ETERNAL. Pre konzolu PS4,PS4 slim,PS4 PRO,tiež kompatibilná s PS5. Dohral som ju a niesom nejaký zberateľ,cena je 15 eur nová stojí 20 az 25 eur +-,k hre dávam aj bloček kde je aj záruka :).Osobný odber Zlaté Moravce, Nitra,poprípade sa Vieme niekde stretnúť, hra je plne funkčná a bez škrabancov. Volajte,píšte SMS,ak nedvíham zavolám alebo napíšem SMS ,pozri aj ďalšie moje inzeráty. :)

Podobné inzeráty

Výkonná PS4 s 2TB úložiskom
2x originál ovládač dualshock
PlayStation 4 CUH-1216
Fw 9.00 HEN JB
Nainštalované hry:
Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5)
Battlefield 5
Ghost of Tsushima
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last of Us: Remastered
The Last of Us: Part II
God of War - PS4 2018
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End
Cyberpunk 2077
Marvel's Spider-Man
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Doom Eternal
Stray – PS4
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
Little Big Planet 3
NHL™ 21
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Deliver Us The Moon
It Takes Two
Days Gone
PS4 - Journey Collectors Edition
Death Stranding
A iné

Predávam PS5 s mechanikou.
Cena je s ovládačom, aj s hrami Gran Turismo 7 a Doom Eternal.
380e s hrami.
370e bez hier.

Mám na predaj ps4 virtuálnu realitu, k VR je ps4 camera,dva joypady a kábel na nabíjanie joypadov, komplet kabeláž plus dve hry PS4 VR Worlds a Astro BOT, je tu možnosť dokúpiť k VR aj ps4 1TB plus ostatné hry ktoré budú na obrázku, za komplet kúpu perfektná cena 430€ ps4 sú aj dve Joysticky a nabíjacia stanica, ku všetkému mám odložené originál krabice, osobný odber Nové Zámky, dôvod predaja je nedostatok času na hranie,možnosť osobnej skúšky že VR aj ps4 1TB funguje tak ako má.

Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne.
(V pripade zaujmu ulozisko sa da rozsirit aj na 2TB.)
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry,
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within + DLC
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Madden NFL 19
Broken Sword 5
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Project Highrise - Architect's Edition
Assassin's Creed II
AC Brotherhood
CoD Black OPS
Call of Juarez - The Cartel
Dante’s Inferno
Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
Battlefield V
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island (Definitive Collection)
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry Primal (CZ)
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Overwatch - Origins Edition
Rage 2
Redeemer - Enhanced Edition
Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition)
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU)
Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut)
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep Winter Games Edition
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse
Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered
Batman - Arkham Origins
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -80€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack

Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X s 1TB alebo s 2TB SSD diskom v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
1TB HDD je nahradeny rychlim 1TB alebo s vacsim 2TB SSD diskom!
(SSD ulozisko maju aj najnovsie series S a X)
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne.
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry (zoznam je len informativny)
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within + DLC
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Broken Sword 5
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Assassin's Creed II
AC Brotherhood
CoD Black OPS
Call of Juarez - The Cartel
Dante’s Inferno
Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
Battlefield V
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island (Definitive Collection)
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry Primal (CZ)
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Overwatch - Origins Edition
Rage 2
Redeemer - Enhanced Edition
Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition)
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU)
Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut)
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep Winter Games Edition
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse
Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered
Batman - Arkham Origins
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -80€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack