Predám PS4:Ratchet and Clank.

Podobné inzeráty

Johann Valentin Andreas: The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz Anno 1459 - 40€
Peter Elsner: Grundlagen zur Metamorphosengestaltung - 60€
James DeMeo: Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World - 30€
Michael S.Schneider: A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe - 12€
Albert Soesman: Our twelve sense - 12€
Thomas Wildgruber: Painting and Drawing in Waldorf Schools - 15€
Dick van Romunde: About Formative Forces in the Plant World - 20€
Julian Jaynes: The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind - 20€
Elisabeth Vreede: Astronomy and Spiritual science - 30€
Henri Bortoft: The wholeness of Nature - 15€
Angela Lord: Colour dynamics - 20€
John Wilkes: Flowforms - 25€
Christopher Clouder and Janni Nicol: Creative Play for your toddler - 15€
Van James: Drawing with Hand, Head, and Heart - 30€
Dorian Schmidt: Life Forces - Formative Forces - 20€
Armin J. Husemann: Human hearing and the reality of music - 15€
Sergio Maria Francardo: Anthroposophic Medicine for the Family - 15€
Craig Holdrege: Thinking Like a Plant - 15€
John Blackwood: Mathematics in Nature, Space and Time - 15€
Georg Unger: Forming concepts in physics - 15€
Terry M. Boardman: Mapping the millenium (Behind the Plans od the New World Order) - 15€
Andreas Suchantke: ECO-geography (what we see when we look at landscapes) - 10€
Ernst-Michael Kranich: Thinking Beyond Darwin - 10€
Jos Verhulst: Developmental Dynamics in Humans and Other Primates - 30€
Brunhild Muller: Painting with Children - 7€
Georg Maier: An Optics of Visual Experience - 30€
Hella Loewe: Basic Sculptural Modeling: Developing the Will by Working with Pure Forms in the First Three Grades - 12€
Rudolf Steiner: Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double - 12€
Stephen Edelglass, Georg Maier, Hans Gebert, John Davy: The Marriage of Sense and Thought, Imaginative Participation in Science - 12€
L.F.C. Mees: Blessed by Illness - 12€
W.F.Veltman: Menschentypen - Planetenwirkungen in der menschlichen Seele - 10€
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer: Weeds and what they tell us - 7€
Christian von Wistinghausen, ... : The biodynamic spray and compost preparations production methods - 5€
Johannes Rohen: Functional Threefoldness in the Human Organism and Human Society - 12€
Walter Holtzapfel: The Human Organs their functional and psychological significance - 15€
Wilhelm Pelikan: The secrets of Metals - 15€
Gerbert Grohmann: The Plant vol I - 10€
Gerbert Grohmann: The Plant vol II - 10€

Ponúkam na predaj viac ako 600 hier na playstation 2. Sú vo výbornom stave. CELÝ ZOZNAM je dostupný na tomto odkaze:
Crash Bandicoot 2 40€
Crash Bash 45€
Def Jam Fight for NY 30€
Def Jam Vendetta 25€
Zombie attack 25e
Metal Slug 3 20€
GTA San Andreas 18€
GTA Vice City 15€
GTA Liberty City st. 18€
God of War 1 25€
Tekken 4 15€
Tekken 5 20€
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance 20€
Mortal Kombat Deception 20€
Resident Evil Code Veronica X 18€
Mafia 20€
Quake 3 15€
Godfather 15€
Transformers po 13€
Wolfenstein 18€
Black 12€
Tomb Raider Anniversary 14€
Tomb Raider Legend 14€
Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness 14€
Tomb Raider Underworld 20€
Hitman po 12€
Mummy Returns 10€
Commandos 1, 2 od 10€
Call of Duty 1,2 po 10€
COD 3 13€
Prince of Persia po 10€
Battlefield 2 10€
Soulcalibur III 11€
Spiderman 1 11€
Spiderman 2 12€
Spiderman 3 14€
Devil May Cry 2 9€
Devil May Cry 3 10€
Indiana Jones 10€
The Simpsons The Game 15€
Simpsons Skateboarding 12€
Simpsons Road Rage 10€
Van Helsing 10€
Pan prstenov od 8€
TMNT 1 12€
TMNT 2 12€
Fight Night Round 3 9€
X-men 8€
G.I.JOE 8€
Metal Gear Solid 2 8€
Canis Canem Edit 10€
Medal of Honor po 9€
X-men 2 9€
Naruto od 8€
Max Payne 2 8€
007 James Bond od 6€
Getaway 1 6€
Getaway 2 8€
Pimp My Ride 13€
Need For Speed od 10€
Gran Turismo 4 13€
Gran Turismo 3 10€
WRC Rally Evolved 12€
WRC 3 12€
WRC 4 14€
Colin McRae Rally 04 12€
Colin McRae Rally 05 15€
Driver 3 10€
Formula One 04 10€
Formula One 05 13€
SSX on tour 10€
Burnout od 7€
Moto GP 4 11€
ATV OffRoad Fury 3 7€
Crash Bandicoot od 20€
Spyro A New Beginning 15€
Spyro Eternal Night 17€
Asterix a Obelix XXL 2 20€
Madagaskar 1 12€
Madagaskar 2 14€
Donald Duck PK 15€
Cars (Auta - Disney) 13€
Cars Master – National 15€
Cars Race-O-Rama 18€
Monsters, Inc. Scare Island 13€
Ice Age 2 13€
Garfield 2 10€
Chicken Little 10€
Looney Tunes 10€
Wall-e 10€
Casper 10€
SpongeBob Movie 12€
Shrek 2 10€
Shrek 3 11€
Open Season 10€
Ratchet Gladiator 15€
Rachet and Clank 1 17€
Ratchet 2 20€
Ratchet 3 20€
Sonic od 10€
Bolt 10€
Rayman po 10€
Hlada sa Nemo 10€
Surf´s Up 10€
Harry Potter od 10€
Lego Star Wars 1, 2 po 13€
Lego Football Mania 13€
Lego Batman 17€
Incredibles 10€
Scooby Doo And the Spooky Swamp 20€
Jak and Dexter od 9€
Tony Hawks od 7€
PES 2010 9€
PES 2011 13€
PES 2013 20€
FIFA 11 14€
FIFA 12 17€
FIFA 14 40€
NHL 07 CZ 12€
NHL 08 CZ 15€
NHL 09 CZ 20€
Sims 2 12€

Dobry den, rozpredavam svoju zbierku na playstation 2. Preferujem osobny odber, po dohode mozno zaslat postou/packetou.
aktualne do zmazania
Resident evil code veronica - predané
Ratchet clank 3 - 10€
Harry potter ohnivý pohár - 10€
formula challenge - 6€
pilot down - 6€
gta liberty city stories - 15€
the sniper 2 - 8€
splinter cell double agent - 15€
madagascar - 15€
harry potter princ dvojí krve - 25€
vietcong purple haze - predané
test drive - 8€
Cars - 10€
Tekken 4 - 15€
Spiderman 3 - 15€
GT-R touring - 15€
Red Faction - 15€
RTS - 15€
NHL 09 - 10€
mater national championship - 15€
nfs hot pursuit 2 - predané
Fifa 14 - 30€
Pes 2009 - 10€
Germany 2006 - 10€
King kong - 8€
Wrc 3 - 15€
Speed challenge - 10€
Sonic unleashed - 20€
Toy story 3 - 10€
Ratatouille - 10€
Everybodys golf - 15€
Burnout 3 takedown - 15€
call of duty world at war - 15€
50 cent bulletproof - 15€
Lego Star wars the video game - 10€
Shrek 2 - 15€
pirates of carribean - 8€
Bionicle heroes - 6€
the golden compass - 6€
The incredibles - 20€
Conflict vietnam - 6€
Black - 10€
need for speed pro street - 15€
ssx 3 - 6€
Resident evil outbreak file#2 - 20€ (chýba manuál)
the thing - 35€
sonic mega collection - 25€
Gta San Andreas - 10€ (chýba disk, iba manuál + mapa)
harry potter ohnivy pohar - 15€
harry potter fenixuv rad - 45€
wrc rally evolved - 10€
over the hedge - 10€
fantastic four rise of the silver surfer - 10€
tourist trophy - 6€
crash nitro kart - 25€
ratchet clank - 25€
v pripade zaujmu, pozrite aj dalsie inzeraty redukujem zbierku

Karty Real Deal
Based on research conducted using more than 250,000 working professionals, the Real Deal is a self-guided activity that gets right to the heart of the matter. It quickly and simply pinpoints what really makes you tick — the “what” and “why” that shape your underlying values, stressors, motivations, and priorities.
Fortune 50 companies use the Real Deal to transform the way their people relate, engage, and shape their underlying culture. You can use it to...
Select the right people for the right jobs.
Give each person a path for becoming more engaged and motivated.
Provide a practical shorthand for connecting with others.
Accelerate and strengthen teams.
Deepen and strengthen communication, trust, and relationships.
Understand your current work group or culture.
Lead others to be more accountable and engaged.

Predám hry na Playstation 3 a Playstation 2. Všetky sú otestované a plne funkčné. Najradšej osobný odber, ale viem aj poslať na dobierku + poštovné.
Uprednostňujem mail alebo sms. Ale ak chcete volať prosím medzi 10.00 a 19.00
PS3 :
Madagascar 2 - 15€
Ratchet and Clank : Crack in Time - 15€
Assasin Creed Brotherhood - 5€
NBA 2K17 - 5€
Red Faction -5€
Ghost Recon 2 - 5€
Killzone 3 - 5€
NBA Live 09 - 5€
Fight Night Round 4 - 5€
Motorstorm Pacific Rift - 5€
FIFA 23 CZ - 5€
Ratchet : Gladiator - 20€
The Legend od Spyro - 20€
Project Snowblind (nová zabalená) - 10€
Crash Nitro Kart (v náhradnom obale) - 15€
Final Fantasy X - 10€ PREDANÉ
Ghost Hunter - 8€
The Sims 2 - 8€
Ghost Rider - 5€ PREDANÉ
Call Of Duty : Finest Hour - 5€ PREDANÉ
Splinter Cell - 5€
Prince of Persia : Warrior Within - 5€
Full Spectrum Warrior - 5€
Smaash Court Tennis 5€
Snowboard Racer 2 - 5€
War of The monsters - 5€
Dragon Quest 5€ PREDANÉ
Tomb Raider Underworld - 5€ PREDANÉ
Spider-Man - 5€ PREDANÉ
X-Men Origins Wolverine - 5€
God Of War - 5€ PREDANÉ
Primal - 5€
Tekken 4 - 5€ PREDANÉ
Sims 2 Mazlíčci - 5€
Harry Potter a Ohnivý pohár - 5€ PREDANÉ
Dead Or Alive 2 - 5€
Pirates of the Caribbean - 3€ PREDANÉ
Medal Of Honor European Assault - 3€ PREDANÉ
Eragon - 3€ PREDANÉ
F1 04 - 3€ PREDANÉ
Hulk - 3€ PREDANÉ
Pacific Warrior - 3€ PREDANÉ
Gun - 3€
Medal Of Honor Frontline - 3€ PREDANÉ
NHL 2002 - 3€ PREDANÉ

predám ps4/ps5 hry a príslušenstvo v top stave. všetko je odskúšané a plne funkčné.
Nabíjacia stanica - 15€
ovládač - 35€
ps4 gold headset - 45€
pri odbere 6 hier je jedna zadarmo
Ceny sú uvedené v pravom dolnom rohu na kazdej hre v €
crash bandicoot tom clancy’s, resident evil, assassin’s creed, call of duty, battlefield, days gone, far cry, farming simulator, the crew 2, need for speed, driveclub, f1, ride 2, mx & atv, rocket league riders republic, rally, tennis, steep, NBA, fifa, nhl, ufc, just dance, ungravel, subnautica, lego, five nights at freddy’s, singstar, overcooked, Ratchet and clank, plants vs zombies, hasbro family pack, transformers, horizon zero dawn, Detroit become human, death stranding, the last of us, God of war, until dawn, bloodborne, uncharted, wolfenstein, cyberpunk, Sniper contracts, metal gear solid, Batman, spiderman, dying light, mafia, doom, diablo, Sniper elite 4, pay day 2, dead by daylight, overwatch, the walking dead, watch dogs, final fantasy, kingdomcome deliverance, destiny, fallout 4, deadlight, valkyrie, player unknown battlegrounds, hustle kings, titanfall 2, just cause 3, injustice 2, gravity rush, star wars battlefront, mass effect, nioh, hidden agenda, predator hunting grounds, infamous second son, rage 2, the dwarves, kingdom hearts 3, L.A noire, the last guardian, murdered, hunt showdown, shadow of war, killzone shadow fall, pure dark souls need for speed