Retro vintage deka
Rucne robena nadherna ako nova rozmer 125x180

Podobné inzeráty

Predám retro vianočne ozdoby:
1.Krásne retro hribiky-muchotrávky so štipcami,mám 10ks,cena 9€/ks
2.Retro zvončeky,3ks,bielo-šedej farby, vyška 5cm,priemer 5cm, sú to veĺmi staré 100 ročné vianočne ozdoby,cena 5€/ks
3.Retro biele umelé snehové vločky, 12ks v balení, cena 15€/balenie
4.Retro biele umelé snehové vločky veĺké 13cm široké,6 ks,cena 15€
5.Jednofarebné gule v krabiciach č.5,6,7,cena 15€/krabica
6.Strieborne gule v krabici č.11,cena je 3€/ks
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Predam retro vianične gule:
1.Vianočne gule v krabiciach č.1,3 je cena 5€/kus
2.Vianočné gule na foto č.4 cena 3€/kus
3.Retro šišky veĺké,dlžka 10cm,cena uvedena na foto
4.Krásne zelené retro stromčeky,dlžka 10cm, cena 10€ za nepoškodený stromček
Druhý steomcek ma poškodenie (viď.foto), cena znížena na 7€
5.Retro slzy, krabica č.8,9 je cena 5€/kus
6.Retro slzy v krabici č.10 je 6€/ks
Na SMS nereagujem, volajte,idealne napište na email o ktore konretne ozdoby máte zaujem.

Predam vintage retro vahu Transporta KOB-10, znamu z cias CSSR. Vhodnu do prevadzky, na trhovisko, stanok, jarmok ci len ako dekoraciu. Vaha je funkcna.
Sms nie. Formular ano.
Osobny odber v BA.

predám nemecké letecké hodinky - II. svetová vojna s hrubým nerozbitným sklíčkom pre výsadkové jednotky - hĺbkový prieskum v tyle za frontovou líniou
originály z II. svetovej vojny
ide o unikátny model s perleťovým ciferníkom, otočnou lunetou a s tzv. Panzerglass čo je nerozbitné a špeciálne tvrdené sklo ktoré má neskutočnú hrúbku cca 0,8 cm nad povrch hodiniek a s jeho zapúzdrením má celkovú hrúbku cca 1 cm a preto sa nikdy nerozbije ...
germany The German B-Uhr
Size: 47mm – 55mm
Date Produced: 1941 – 1946
Forces Supplied: The German Luftwaffe
Manufacturers: Laco, Stowa, IWC, ALS, Wempe
Buy Online: Find Authentic Originals on Ebay
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-3 of 11/JG 2 after landing in the UK by mistake in June 1942. Introduced in 1941 to supplement the ME 109, the FW 190 was probably Germany's best piston-engined fighter. MH 4190 Part of ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY
German Luftwaffe FW 190A-3 in June 1942
The B-Uhr (short for Beobachtungsuhr, or Observer) is another iconic military watch style that was supplied to German Luftwaffe during World War II.
Like the American-made A-11, the B-Uhr was manufactured by several cooperating German and Swiss companies, namely: IWC, ALS, Wempe, Lacher & Co (Laco), and Walter Storz (Stowa).
Available in two primary configurations (A and B), the B-dial features a shorter hour hand aligned with the inner circle of the dial and a unique triangular marker at 12. The B-Uhr was an essential tool for Luftwaffe navigators, and it’s functional design provides a historical reference for many modern pilot watches.
Vintage German B-Uhr Observer Watch
Vintage German B-Uhr Observer Watch
Regulated to the highest of chronometer standards, B-Uhr watches were precisely synchronized using radio signals from the German Naval Observatory. These tools had to be deadly accurate in order to successfully intercept targets on the field.
At 55mm, these were huge watches, but they served a purpose. Along with an extended double-riveted leather strap, the B-Uhr was designed to be worn over flight jackets, and it’s massive size provided the navigator with unambiguous legibility.
Additionally, mechanical movements were housed in anti-magnetic iron cages to prevent electrical interference from flight equipment and the oversized onion-shaped crowns allowed smooth operation while wearing flight gloves.
Although complicit in unimaginable human suffering, the B-Uhr design is one of the most important tool watch designs in watch history. If you can’t find an original vintage version of this watch, modern reproductions are plentiful, with some modern B-Uhrs still being produced by the companies who produced the originals (namely, Stowa and Laco).
ich cena sa na aukciách pohybuje cca takto:

Predám retro veci:
1.Krásny ručne maĺovaný tanier,možno ho zavesit na stenu,cena 11€
2.Retro hlinikový piskací hrniec na mlieko s plastovou pokrievkou,ako nový,bol minimalne používaný,bez poškodeniá,cena 10€
3.Sklenené strúhadlo na ovocie,zeleninu,bez poškodenia,priemer 15cm,cena 10€
4.Vrchnák červenej farby k retro cukorničke,bez poškodenia,priemer 5cm,doplnenie kolekcie ak niekomu chyba, symbolická cena 1€
5.Retro plastovú tácku vhodnú štamperlíky, rozmer 17,5 cm x 14cm, bez poškodenia,cena 1€
Na SMS nereagujem,volajte,resp.píste na email.

> Cervena socialisticka satka - 10€
> Hrebienky do vlasov - 3€/kus
> Sietka na vlasy - 5€
> Retro obalcek na doklady - 1€
> Strieborna spulka nite - 5€
> Mala kovova pinzeta na obocie - 3€
> Peciatky - 5€
> Pingpongovy set - 5€
> Ludova zastera na varenie, nova - 5€
> Retro drevene pravitko - 10€
> Ziletky - 5€
> Sbor drevena kefa - 5€
> Stuha - 7€
> Strieborna kovova kefa - 7€
> Cerveny obal na zubnu kefku - 5€
> Zehlicka - 15€
> Rukavnik na zehlenie - 15€
> Stuha ludova - 10€
> Spona na kravatu - 1€
> Cierne uctovnicke retro rukavniky - 4€
> Rozne retro decky - 1€/ks
(uz nie je: Uvir horske slnko, Stavebnica kombi, Omega vysavac, biely divadelny dalekohlad, cervena taska Cedok, menovky na kufor, Cierny dalekohlad, Pismenkova tiskarnicka pre deti)
Ceny su orientacne, dohoda mozna / ponuknite.