The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo kniha
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Predam Callan method (Callanova metoda) všetky student book (knihy), stage 1 až 12 + CD (MP3). Edícia 2012 / 2013
PDF kniha (vysoka kvalita) + MP3 nahravky - Viem odoslat hned po potvrdeni o zaplateni. Ku každej knihe je aj PDF Anglicko - Slovensky slovnik.
Poznamka: ak by ste mali zaujem, mam aj Callan Method Teacher book v PDF verzii
STAGE 1 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 1 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 4eur
STAGE 2 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 2 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 3 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 3 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 4 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 4 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 5 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 5 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 6 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 6 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 7 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 7 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 8 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 8 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 9 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 9 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 10 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 10 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 11 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 11 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 12 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 12 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
Predám knihy:
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Osobne v BA, Aupark alebo poštou (platba vopred na účet + poštovné)
Francesca Hornak - Seven Days of Us
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty
Olivia, the eldest daughter, has returned from treating an epidemic abroad and must go into quarantine for seven days. Her mother has decided it's the perfect opportunity to spend some 'special time' together. Her youngest sister wholeheartedly disagrees. Her father isn't allowed an opinion. When no one can leave the house, seven days for the Birches feels like an eternity. Especially when they're all harboring secrets. One of whom is about to come knocking at their door...
JP Delaney - Believe Me. Rozmery: 111 × 180 × 31 mm
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A British drama student, in New York without a green card, Claire takes the only job she can get: working for a firm of divorce lawyers, posing as an easy pick-up in hotel bars to entrap straying husbands. When one of her targets becomes the subject of a murder investigation, the police ask Claire to use her acting skills to help lure their suspect into a confession. But right from the start, she has doubts about the part she's being asked to play. Is Patrick Fogler really a killer... Or the only decent husband she's ever met? And is there more to this set-up than she's being told? And that's when Claire realizes she's playing the deadliest role of her life.
Nová dvojjazyčná kniha Rostock v nemeckom a anglickom jazyku. Výborná pomôcka pri štúdiu jazykov. Kniha má veľký formát a bohatú fotografickú prílohu. Rok vydania 2010. Kniha je nová, v top stave. Pôvodná cena 19,90€. V prípade záujmu ma prosím kontaktujte na email, nie na tel.číslo.
Kniha pre učiteľov, Ako učiť deti so zdravotným znevýhodnením v "normálných" školách. Je to štúdia o tom ako zlepšiť učiteľské praktiky v školách. Kniha pre začínajúcich aj skúsených učiteľov. Kniha je v anglickom jayzyku, ako nová.
A study of the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms. It emphasizes the use of case studies to change teaching practices and aims to help teachers and administrators to examine the issues involved. Book as new.