The Unlikely Heroics of Sam Holloway
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Rhys Thomas - The Unlikely Heroics of Sam Holloway. Je ako nová.
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Sam Holloway has survived the worst that life can throw at you. But he's not really living. His meticulous routines keep everything nice and safe - with just one exception. Three nights a week, Sam dons his superhero costume and patrols the streets. It makes him feel invincible - but his unlikely heroics are getting him into some sticky situations. Then a girl comes along and starts to shatter the walls Sam has built around himself. Now, he needs to decide if he's brave enough to take off the mask, and to confront the grief he's been avoiding for so long. Hilarious and heart-warming, this is a story about grief, loneliness, and the life-changing power of kindness.
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Sam Holloway has survived the worst that life can throw at you. But he's not really living. His meticulous routines keep everything nice and safe - with just one exception. Three nights a week, Sam dons his superhero costume and patrols the streets. It makes him feel invincible - but his unlikely heroics are getting him into some sticky situations. Then a girl comes along and starts to shatter the walls Sam has built around himself. Now, he needs to decide if he's brave enough to take off the mask, and to confront the grief he's been avoiding for so long. Hilarious and heart-warming, this is a story about grief, loneliness, and the life-changing power of kindness.

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Anthony McCarten - Darkest Hour
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From the prize-winning screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, this is a cinematic, behind-the-scenes account of a crucial moment which takes us inside the mind of one of the world's greatest leaders - and provides a revisionist, more rounded portrait of his leadership. May, 1940. Britain is at war, European democracies are falling rapidly and the public are unaware of this dangerous new world. Just days after his unlikely succession to Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, faces this horror - and a skeptical King and a party plotting against him. He wonders how he can capture the public mood and does so, magnificently, before leading the country to victory. It is this fascinating period that Anthony McCarten captures in this deeply researched, gripping day-by-day (and often hour-by-hour) narrative. In doing so he revises the familiar view of Churchill - he made himself into the iconic figure we remember and changed the course of history, but through those turbulent and dangerous weeks he was plagued by doubt, and even explored a peace treaty with Nazi Germany. It's a scarier, and more human story, than has ever been told.

1-krát čítaná, bez veľkých poškodení +postovne
February 12 is just another day in Sam's charmed life, until it turns out to be her last. Stuck reliving her last day over and over, Sam untangles the mystery around her death and discovers everything she's losing.

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