Usborne Art Colouring and Sticker Book v anglictine
Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Ak to s laskou k umeniu beriete ozaj vazne :-)
Kniha z dielne uznavaneho Usborne, ktora priblizuje detom existujuce umelecke diela - paintings.
Kniha je krizenec medzi omalovankou a sticker book a samozrejme plna informacii o umeni. Ozaj velky format, zositkova.
Kniha bola skontrolovana, vyzera nedotknuta, vsetko pritomne, vnutri ani ciarocka. kludne aj ako darcek.
Cca 60 stran + stranky s nalepkami.
Postovne podla aktualneho sadzobnika slovenskej posty:
zasielkovna - balik do 5kg za 3.30E
Na dobierku neposielam.
Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline.
Kludne sa pytajte, ak mate otazky.
Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF.
Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling.
Kniha z dielne uznavaneho Usborne, ktora priblizuje detom existujuce umelecke diela - paintings.
Kniha je krizenec medzi omalovankou a sticker book a samozrejme plna informacii o umeni. Ozaj velky format, zositkova.
Kniha bola skontrolovana, vyzera nedotknuta, vsetko pritomne, vnutri ani ciarocka. kludne aj ako darcek.
Cca 60 stran + stranky s nalepkami.
Postovne podla aktualneho sadzobnika slovenskej posty:
zasielkovna - balik do 5kg za 3.30E
Na dobierku neposielam.
Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline.
Kludne sa pytajte, ak mate otazky.
Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF.
Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling.

Podobné inzeráty

The Ultimate Cigar Book is a classic on the subject, covering everything from how cigars are made, to storage, etiquette, and accessories.
Richard Carleton Hacker’s category bestselling is often credited with helping to create a new generation of cigar aficionados. No other book contains as much detailed and factual information on virtually every facet of cigar making and cigar smoking. And now this trendsetting has been revised in this fourth edition for the aficionado of the future!
Forget 1492. This book starts out in B. C. (Before Columbus) and transports the cigar enthusiast on a fun and fact-filled adventure into virtually every realm of today’s popular and growing cigar smoking pastime. Written by one of the most knowledgeable and internationally-celebrated pipe and cigar authors of our time, Richard Carleton Hacker’s well-known wit and wisdom will keep the reader enthralled with every turn of the page, as he takes you on an information-packed would tour of cigars.
Starting off with a history of cigar smoking, the author then shows us how cigars are made today (handmade, handrolled, and machine made), divulges the secrets of finding the “perfect” cigar, and discusses the ritual of smoking and how to properly care for and store our cigars. From there the book lists a number of innovative cigar accessories, suggests which beers, wines, whiskeys, brandies, and cognacs go with what cigars, enlightens us with a chapter on cigar smoking celebrities, and concludes with the world’s first International Compendium of virtually every cigar brand known today, complete with histories and observations on taste, according to the author’s HPH (Highly Prejudiced Hacker-Scale) ratings. If that was not enough, there is even a dictionary of CigarSpeak!
The Ultimate Cigar Book is the most comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date book for the cigar smoker or for those who just want to learn more about the fascinating and popular world of cigar smoking.

• cca 120 stran, rozvija predstavivost, kreativne dokreslovanie a precvicovanie anglictiny
• Draw it! Colour it! Beasts - kniha pre vsetky vekove kategorie.
• Ilustracie od viac ako 40 znamych ilustratorov, ktore mozete domalovat podla vasej fantazie
• nova, mozno kde tu jemne otlaceny obal, ale podla mna vhodna aj ako darcek
• zhruba A4, Colouring Book / art and craft book
Stunning Macmillan activity book for all ages is your chance to join in and compete a drawing with a bestselling artist. Featuring work from Axel Scheffler, Chris Riddell, Rob Biddulph, Emily Gravett, Marta Altes and many many more.
This brilliant bumper drawing and colouring book is perfect for aspiring artists and fans of children's illustrators.
** osobny odber alebo poslem postou pri platbe vopred na ucet, na DOBIERKU NEPOSIELAM

Usbornacka Reading Scheme :-)
Cervene knihy (na hrane).
Na konci su nahlady dovnutra, aby ste si mohli pozriet narocnost textu.
Toto je prva uroven pri posune na pokrocilejsich citatelov.
*** Usborne Young Reading level one ***
Usborne Young Reading level two (modre)
Usborne Young reading level three (fialove)
Tieto konkretne knihy boli citane, ale velmi setrne. Na vacsine z nich su akurat vidielne znamky skladovania na obale, vnutri su v cistom neposkodenom stave.
Kazda kniha ma 48 stran. Pribehy su vyraznejsie kratene. Na konci su zvycajne informacie k danej teme - zivotopis autora a pod.
Na predaj aj jednotlivo, 2.50E / kus alebo lubovolnych 5ks za 10.00E.
Mozne kombinovat s
- modrou sadou - Usborne Young Reading Level 2 a
- fialovou sadou - Usborne Young reading level 3.
Postovne podla aktualneho sadzobnika slovenskej posty:
alebo zasielkovna - balik do 5kg za 3.30E
Na dobierku neposielam.
Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline.
Kludne sa pytajte, ak mate otazky.
Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF.
Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling.

Usbornacka Reading Scheme :-)
Fialove knihy (na hrane).
Anne Frank PREDANA
Na konci su nahlady dovnutra, aby ste si mohli pozriet narocnost textu.
Toto je najvyssia / najnarocnejsia uroven pre zacitajucich citatelov. Je to posledny krok pred posunom na klasicke mainstrem citanie mimo reading scheme.
Usborne Young Reading level one (cervene)
Usborne Young Reading level two (modre)
*** Usborne Young reading level three (fialove) ***
Tieto konkretne knihy boli citane, ale velmi setrne. Na vacsine z nich su akurat vidielne znamky skladovania na obale, vnutri su v cistom neposkodenom stave.
Kazda kniha ma 48 stran. Pribehy su vyraznejsie kratene. Na konci su zvycajne informacie k danej teme - zivotopis autora a pod.
Na predaj aj jednotlivo, 2.50E / kus alebo lubovolnych 5ks za 10.00E.
Mozne kombinovat s
- cervenou sadou - Usborne Young Reading Level One a
- modrou sadou - Usborne Young reading Level Three.
Postovne podla aktualneho sadzobnika slovenskej posty:
alebo zasielkovna - balik do 5kg za 3.30E
Na dobierku neposielam.
Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline.
Kludne sa pytajte, ak mate otazky.
Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF.
Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling.

Modre knihy (na hrane).
Na konci su nahlady dovnutra, aby ste si mohli pozriet narocnost textu.
Toto je druha uroven pri posune na pokrocilejsich citatelov.
Pre sikovnych citatelov to moze byt posun na klasicke mainstream citanie mimo reading scheme.
Usborne Young Reading level one (cervene)
*** Usborne Young Reading level two (modre)***
Usborne Young reading level three (fialove)
Tieto konkretne knihy boli citane, ale velmi setrne. Na vacsine z nich su akurat vidielne znamky skladovania na obale, vnutri su v cistom neposkodenom stave.
Kazda kniha ma 64 stran. Pribehy su vyraznejsie kratene. Na konci su zvycajne informacie k danej teme - zivotopis autora a pod.
Na predaj aj jednotlivo, 2.50E / kus alebo lubovolnych 5ks za 10.00E.
Mozne kombinovat s
- cervenou sadou - Usborne Young Reading Level One a
- fialovou sadou - Usborne Young reading level three.
Postovne podla aktualneho sadzobnika slovenskej posty:
alebo zasielkovna - balik do 5kg za 3.30E
Na dobierku neposielam.
Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline.
Kludne sa pytajte, ak mate otazky.
Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF.
Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling.

Predam knihu Kardashian Konfidential od Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian , Khloe Kardashian
Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls
The stars of not one but two #1 reality television shows, and frequent cover girls on all the weekly celebrity magazines, Kourtney, Kim & Khloé Kardashian live large and glamorous lives. But not everything is on the screen—how they really live, get along (and feud) as sisters is the subject of the Kardashians’ very first book. Kardashian Konfidential is their sisterhood autobiography, full of fun facts about their childhoods (guess who was the ugly duckling?), their beauty and style secrets, the wisdom they learned from their beloved father, and the street smarts they got from their mother that sustain them in life and in business.
Kardashian Konfidential is bursting at the seams with photos, memorabilia, diary entries, datebook pages, and old Valentines the girls sent to each other, as well as many other artifacts put together just for their book. As glamorous, fun and fashionable as the girls themselves, this is the perfect buy-one-for-me-buy-three-for-friends fan’s book.