warehouse / production site
Large industrial area with backgroud of the town with long term industrial tradition, industrial high school and available work force.
Industrial area (17.654m2) is within industrial complex of Vihorlat Snina, which is protected by security service. On top of that industrial area has own fence and is covered by CCTV. parking is available within.
electricity gridwork potential of 3MW. Hall A, B, C, D are heated with floor heating (modern boiler using wood chips from local wood producer).
Railway station is 5 minutes away, carrying capacity of the floors is 80MPa/m2.
A - 1078m2
B - 4090m2
C - 740m2
D - 1376m2
Hall I - 547m2
Hall II - 547m2
Social and administrative building - 600m2
We will be happy to prepare quote on request for You.
Industrial area (17.654m2) is within industrial complex of Vihorlat Snina, which is protected by security service. On top of that industrial area has own fence and is covered by CCTV. parking is available within.
electricity gridwork potential of 3MW. Hall A, B, C, D are heated with floor heating (modern boiler using wood chips from local wood producer).
Railway station is 5 minutes away, carrying capacity of the floors is 80MPa/m2.
A - 1078m2
B - 4090m2
C - 740m2
D - 1376m2
Hall I - 547m2
Hall II - 547m2
Social and administrative building - 600m2
We will be happy to prepare quote on request for You.

Podobné inzeráty

Panorama City - voľné skladové priestory na predaj / warehouse space for sale
Na predaj ponúkam murovaný uzamykateľný skladový priestor v blízkosti výťahových jadier na 2. poschodí vo veži II (bližšie k SND) v bytovom dome Panorama City I na Landererovej 6, 8 v Bratislave. Výmera je 5,46 m2. V malom sklade sa nachádza odvetrávanie, elektrická zásuvka, koncový bod UPC a k skladu je aj samostatná poštová schránka vo vchode do budovy. Nebytový priestor možno využiť aj ako administratívne sídlo firmy. K skladovému priestoru patrí aj pivničná kobka ako príslušenstvo nebytového priestoru o výmere 2,36 m2. Celková výmera ponúkaných skladovacích priestorov predstavuje 7,82 m2. Mesačný zálohový predpis správcu bytového domu je vo výške 9,11 eur. Mesačný zálohový predpis za vlastnú elektrinu je 3,90 eur. Celková cena za ponúkané nehnuteľnosti je 23 500,- eur. Predávajúci kompletne zabezpečí prevod na katastri nehnuteľností vrátane úhrady nevyhnutných poplatkov.
Dodatok: Vlastník bytu alebo NP v Panorama City má prístup do spoločnej zasadacej miestnosti o výmere 104 m2, kde možno realizovať rokovania, školenia alebo iné skupinové aktivity. V priestore je kuchynský kút, stoly, stoličky, premietačka, tabuľa a ďalšie bežné vybavenie. Kapacita je cca 50 ľudí. Rezervácia termínu sa realizuje cez recepciu. Rozsah využívania zasadačky nie je limitovaný.
For sale:
I offer brick lockable storage space near the elevator cores on the 2nd floor in tower II (closer to the Slovak National Theatre) in the apartment building Panorama City I, Landererova street no. 6, 8 in Bratislava. Area is 5,46 m2. The small warehouse has ventilation, electrical outlet, UPC internet operator end point and there is also a separate mailbox in the entrance to the building. The non-residential space can also be used as an administrative headquarters of the company. The warehouse space also includes a cellar as an accessory of warehouse with an area of 2.36 m2. The total area of the offered storage spaces is 7.82 m2. The monthly advance prescription of the administrator of the apartment building is in the amount of 9.11 euros. The monthly advance prescription for own electricity is EUR 3,90. The total price for the offered property is 23 500,- EUR. The seller will fully arrange the transfer at the Land Registry, including the payment of the necessary fees.
Addendum: The owner of an apartment or commercial space in Panorama City has access to a common meeting room of 104 m2 where meetings, trainings or other group activities can be held. The room has a kitchenette, tables, chairs, projector, whiteboard and other common equipment. Capacity is about 50 people. Reservations are made through reception. The use of the meeting room is not limited.