ZVUKY pre KORG OASYS - EXs3 Brass and Woodwinds
Klávesové nástroje
Uplne nové inštalačné CD so zvukmi dychových nástrojov pre klávesy KORG OASYS. Prosím kontaktovať iba správou na email. Pošlem aj na dobierku

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Due to move out selling Digital Piano P-45 in perfect condition with steel keyboard stand for free. Piano was bought in March 2023 in Muziker (Bratislava).
If you have any questions you can contact me via phone or mail (I do speak English and Ukrainian).
Slim contemporary digital piano from P-Series with authentic piano sound and key feel that make it easy to play any way you like. The 88-key keyboard with Yamaha's GHS (Graded Hammer Standard) weighted action has heavier touch in the low end and lighter touch in the high end, just like the hammers inside an acoustic piano. Great for the aspiring pianist, practicing on the GHS action builds the proper finger technique for when the time comes to perform on an acoustic piano. Plus the matte finish of the black keys is less slippery when playing for extended periods of time. The AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) sampling uses digital technology to record the sound of an acoustic piano and creates a deeper, richer and more spacious sound by using pairs of waveforms (L and R) captured with two microphones. This model uses AWM to play one sample per key at varying levels of volume and timbre. It also features a built-in sound system and provides simple, single-button operation: hold down the “GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION” button and press the keyboard to change Voices, play demo sources, configure the metronome and more. The Auto power off function shuts down the instrument after a period of inactivity. Dimensions: 1326 x 154 x 295 mm. Weight: 11.5 kg. Black colour.
Information about stand: Veles-X Security Double X Keyboard Stand Black.
Expandable X-shaped steel keyboard stand with Security Screw System and double legs for increased load capacity and improved stability. The safety screw system provides additional protection against dropping a tool compatible with this system (eg Yamaha PSR-E series, or some Casio models). The height of the stand is adjustable in up to seven positions, the highest - 95 cm, the lowest - 22 cm. The overall stability and protection against scratching of the tool are ensured by the rubberized ends of the structure. Load capacity: 70 kg

predám korg pa 1000 verzia muzikant ...
!!! muzikant = 219 eur stojí iba soft!!! táto verzia má lepšie zvuky , aj rytmy ,,, ako bežná pa 1000 ,,, niektoré sú mohutnejšie a čistejšie , tak ako v pa4x
a pri kombinácii týchto "lepších zvukov"Vám vznikne skutočne špičkový profesionálny kláves...
nástroj je používaný , ale nezničený , a plne funkčný...
... nechám v ňom navyše - ako bónus
množstvo profesionálne a špičkovo upravených zvukov , ktoré som upratal a nadstavil ja ...
vyskúšať sa dá tu na SK, kedykoľvek ,,, ale odber je možný až v septembri ,,, lebo do vtedy ho ešte potrebujem na pár akcií...
pozrite link : !!! ale tam je obyčajná verzia !!! nie MUZIKANT ... JA predávam verziu MUZIKANT = Vylepšenú !!!
tu je link :

Predám môj Korg Pa 4x s Speaker Bar, pedálovou doskou Korg EC5 a stojanom, ktorý robí skvelé hracie a aranžérske nastavenie. Dodáva sa aj s originálnym balením.
Zvuky a akcie sú úžasné a je radosť hrať.
Použil som to len veľmi ľahko vo svojom salóniku v nefajčiarskom dome, takže je v krásnom stave.

Zasveteným netreba predstavovať.Synth je v Ružinove, Ba.Cena pevná.
First owner, bought in 3/2018, used only at home studio. With original packaging and manual.
The Moog MiniMoog Model D Reissue, painstakingly built by hand in limited numbers, is an exacting recreation of the vintage Model D as used by countless artists since the early-1970s. This classic monophonic design features three oscillators and the iconic Moog Ladder filter, and now sports some enhancements and improvements like MIDI I/O, triangle and square wave LFO, external modulation CV input and CV outputs for pitch, aftertouch, velocity and gate. The sound, however, remains the same. The Model D Reissue sounds just as monstrous as ever, and can now be thicker and further overdriven thanks to a slight modification to the mixer.

Vymením sample (zvuky) do nástrojov Yamaha MODX, Montage (mám 15GB zvukov, asi 115 knižníc) za sample (zvuky) do nástrojov Korg Kronos, Korg Nautilus.

Predam Korg Pa 800. Klaves má HDD, MP3 prehrávač, navyše 128 štylov z Korg pa3x Musikant, 128 premiovych zvukov. Najnovší software aky bol pre tento klaves. Má za sebou prvy menší servis. Skôr údržbu. Výmena niektorych mikrospinačov na hlavnom panely, vymena spinačov na klaviatúre (2 oktávy), očistený od prachu. Nástroj je v perfektnom technickom stave. Okrem zahrdzavenej mriežky na ľavom reproduktore nema takmer žiadne kozmetické vady. 100% spolahlivý nástroj. Mriežky nam objednané. Vymením.