DVD, CD, MC, LP - bazár, predaj, inzercia, predám - strana 176

Pavlov's Dogs -"Conditioned response" 54:22 1995 PD 0001 (je u toho psáno mega rare, neplést si to s kapelou Pavlov´s Dog) min.500Kč
K2-"Tales of triumph and agony by Don Airey" 45:59 1988 MCA 255 981-2 350Kč
Kamelot -"Dominion" 46:40 1996 Noise N0272-2 350Kč
Kamelot -"Siege perilous" 50:39 1998 Noise N0297-2 300Kč
Kamelot -"Epica" 56:42 2003 Sanctuary Records NO 3779 350Kč
Kansas -"Kansas" 44:54 1974 Kirshner CDKIR 80174 250Kč
Kansas -"Masque" 40:51 1975 Kirshner ZK 33806 250Kč
Kansas -"Song for America" 45:06 1975 Kirshner ZK 33385 300Kč
Kansas -"Leftoverture"43:29 1976 Kirshner ZK 34224 250Kč
Kansas -"Point of known return"44:22 1977 Epic CDEPC 32361 250Kč
Kansas -"Monolith" 41:45 1979 Kirshner ZK 36008 250Kč
Kansas -"Power" 39:31 1986 MCA 254 426-2 200Kč
Kansas -"In the spirit of things" 53:04 1988 MCA MCAD-6254 200Kč
Kansas -"Freaks of nature" 45:21 1995 Intersound 9148 250Kč
Karelia -"Usual tragedy"50:34 2004 Drakkar Records 82876 57826 2 250Kč
Karelia -"Raise" 50:07 2005 Drakkar Records DRAKKAR 079 250Kč
Kate Bush -"Lionheart" 36:58 1978 EMI CDP 7 46065 2 250Kč
Kate Bush -"Kick inside" 43:14 1978 EMI CD-FA 3207 300Kč
Kate Bush-"Never for ever" 37:32 1980 EMI CDP 7 46360 2 250Kč
Kate Bush -"The sensual world" 45:59 1989 EMI CDP 7 93078 2 250Kč
Katmandü -"Katmandü" 52:48 1991 Epic 467323 2 250Kč
Keel-"The final frontier"36:23 1986 MCA MCAD-5727 nabídněte min.600Kč(Disgos 65Eur)
Keel -"Keel"37:55 1987 MCA MCAD-42005 nabídněte min.600Kč(Disgos 20-70Eur)
Ken Hensley-"Prud words on a dusty shelf" 39:12 1973 Repertoire REP 4282-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley-"Eager to please" 39:19 1975 Repertoire REP 4342-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley -"Free spirit" 35:08 1980 RepertoireREP 4343-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley & Visible Faith-"A glimpse of glory (revisited version)"60:48 1999/01 Mystic Records MYS CD 157 400Kč
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band-"Trouble is." 56:36 1997 Revolution 9 24689-2 200Kč
Kenziner-"Timescape" 62:15 1998 Limb Music LMP 9806-004 CD 250Kč
Kenziner-"The prophecies"61:19 1999 Limb Music LMP 9911-014 CD 350Kč
Kickhead-"Kickhead"27:42 1996 Insight
nabídněte, nikde jsem to nenašel min.500
Kik Tracee -"No rules" 60:33 1991 RCA 2189-2-R 300Kč
Kill For Thrills-"Commercial suicide" 20:12 1989 World Of Hurt WCD 1001 400Kč

Predám Robbie Williams cédečko Sing when you're winning (4€). CD je vo veľmi dobrom stave (akurát plastové držiaky v strede sú ulomené a nedržia CD).
Plus poštovné alebo osobný odber v Nových Zámkoch.

Paul Anka: The Original Hits, 10 €;
Ch.Aznavour: Du Lässt Dich Geh´n; 8 €;
Ray Charles: Selectes Songs, 14 €;
Bill Haley & Comets: Rock and Roll, 15 €;
L.Armstrong: Lucerna 1965, 12 €;
Glenn Miller: Pure Gold, 12 €;
J.L.Lewis: 20 Rock´n´Ŕoll Greates, 12 €;
Bing Crosby: The Closing Chapter, 8 €;
Ricky Nelson, 12 €;
Dean Martin: The Best of Dean Martin, 8 €;
Boogie Woogie: The Original Sounds of „The 30´s & 40´s“, 6 €;
Al Bano & Romina Power, 6 €;
Toto Cutugno: Innamorata, 6 €;
Ricchi e Poweri: I Ching of You, 5 €;
Italian Hitparade 1983, 5 €;
Písně Otce vod 3, 4 €;
Nikica Kalogjera: Pod južným slnkom, 3 €;
Gino Vanelli: Big Dreamers Never Sleep, 4 €;
Sarah Vaughan, 4 €;
LP a obaly sú v neporušenom stave (M-). Na dobierku neposielam. Pri kúpe min.6 LP najlacnejšia zadarmo.

Predam MC Kazetu Ilona Csáková – Modrý Sen / Stav MC Kazety : !!!100% TOP STAV-Kazeta je v TOP Stave ako Nová-Skontrolovana!!! / Cena : 5€ / Uprednostňujem Osobný Odber BA alebo je možne po Dohode poslať aj Poštou

Predám nové DVD Kauza Cervanová.
Cena - 3€
Možnosť odoslania aj cez Packetu (Zásielkovňu)
Pozrite si aj ďalšie moje inzeráty.

Caravan -"For girls who grow plumb in the night……." 45:48 1973 Deram 820 971-2 350Kč
Casanova-"One night stand" 47:04 1992 WEA 4509-90681-2 400Kč
Cathedral -"Cosmic requiem"43:02 1994 Columbia CK 64326 350Kč
Cathedral-"Forest of equilibrium"54:12 1991 Earache MOSH 43 CD 350Kč
Cathedral-"Soul sacrifice" 24:48 1992 Earache - Columbia CK 53149 300Kč
Cathedral-"The garden of unearlbly delights" 70.51 2005 Nuclear Blast NB 1199-0 300Kč
Cathedral -"The ethereal mirror"54:33 1993 Earache MOSH 77 CD 300Kč
C.C.Catch -"Catch the catch"40:54 1986 Hansa 257 707-222 650Kč
Centaur -"God complex" 45:40 1998 B.O.Records 0073772 B.O. 250Kč
Centaur -"……perception………."49:14 1995 IRS / Zardoz Music9611 /R 300Kč
Cinderella-"Heartbreak station" 53:42 1990 Vertigo 848 018-2 250Kč
Cinderella -"Long cold winter" 44:15 1988 Mercury 834 612-2 300Kč
Cinderella -"Night songs" 36:12 1986 Mercury 830 076-2 M-1 350Kč
Circle II. Circle -"Watching in silence" 45:54 2003 AFM Records AFM 065-2 250Kč
Cirith Ungol -"King of the dead / Frost and fire" 76:52 1981/4 Reborn Classics RC 1003 600Kč
Cirith Ungol -"One foot in hell" 35:35 1986 Metal Blade 3984-14203-2 300Kč
City -"Am fenster" 72:26 1997 BMG - Amiga 7432 1 51688 2 300Kč

predám gramogon značky Lenco. Gramofon je plne funkčný, obsahuje dva zabudované reproduktory v predných nohách. mierne poškrabaný plastový kryt, ku gramofónu sú samozrejme kábel na pripojenie do siete a náhradná ihla.

predam rozne cd albumy ..
-gigi d agostino-lamour toujours,2cd,5e
-the offspring-ixnay on the hombre,5e predane
-h-bloxx-fly eyes,5e
-silverchair-frogstomp,5e predane
-the payoffs,maxi singel,5e
-raise hell-wicked is my game,10e
-alanis morissette-jagged little pill,5e
-shelleyan orphan-century flower,5e
-brandon lee-the crow,soundtrack,5e
-moimir papalescu a the nihilists-analogue voodo,5e
-faith no more-angel dust,5e
-kuschel rock 11,2cd,5e
-cristian varela-ew electronic audio,cdr,5e
-in flomes-sound of a playground fading,8e
-nickelback-all the right reasons,5e
-nickelback-dark horse,5e
-the sisters of mercy-greatest hits vol.1,5e
-ace of base-da capo,5e
-s.x pistols-never mind-the bollocks...6e
-u2-all that you cant leave behind,5e
-jimi hendrix-good times,5e
-one tausand violin-locked out of the love-in,60e
-the bates-pleasure to rain,5e
-lack of limits-out of the ashes,1ťe
-rumble militia-stop violence and madness,8e
-beastie boy-check your head,5e
-manau-panique celtique,horsi stav,3e
-pearl jam-ten,5e
-modern talking-the collection,5e
-top of the pops vol.2,2cd,3e
-collective soul-hints allegations and thing left unsand,5e
-collective soul-disciplined breakdown,5e
-collective soul-dosage,5e
-collective soul-collective soul,8e
-collective soul-blender,5e
-music on the move,3e
-deacon blue-fellow hoodliums,5e
-tripmag,the soun of cape town,paris..,3e
-nine inch nails-further down the spiral,5e
-cascada-original me,horsi stav,3e
-gala repete 3,hirsi stav,10e
-dan-comme when you wanna,5e
-imt smile-hlava ma sedem otvorov,8e
-the kelly family-street life,5e
-tanecni liga 63,10e
cd kniha dominik dan cita marian geisberg 8e

Ponúkam na predaj originálne hudobné 3CD - nové, zapečatené:
Metallica - Metallica *The Black Album*
(3CD Expanded Edition Digipak, Remastered, Blackened Recordings 2021)
Žáner: Thrash/Heavy Metal
Cena je pevná!
Prosím kontaktovať len v prípade seriózneho záujmu a len e-mailom.
Osobný odber je možný v BA-Petržalka alebo + poštovné.

Dobrý deň ponúkam na predaj CD, DVD, FILMY, DOKUMENTY
1.obr. 0,50 EURO/KS
Tanec s Vlkmi, Povodeň, Pád Ríše Rímské, Včielka Maja, Tri Oriešky pre Popolušku, Mrázik, Pyšná Princezná, Princezná se Zlatou Hviezdou, Nekonečný Príbeh, Asterix a Obelix
2.obr. 0,80 EURO/KS nieje originál
Spartakus, Kráľ Artuš, Pán Prsťeňou, Alexander Veľký , Trója, Jahred-anglicky, Sahara,
3.obr. 0,50 EURO/KS dokumenty
Vesmír 1-3, Dobyvatelia 1.3.4, Sedem Divov Sveta 1-4, Clovek proti divočine 2-7 - Bear Grylls, Objavenie Atlantídy, čeluste ,Titanik
Dohoda možná- všetko spolu
Prosím Volať